Conference Iasi, 14th-17th November 2007
Shakespeare and Europe: Nation(s) and Boundaries

(pictures by Michael Hattaway)

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Odette Blumenfeld

Madalina Nicolaescu

Alexander Shurbanov


Marta Gibinska

Mariangela Tempera

Seminar session

Coffee break

Restaurant Unirea

Voronet (Preview of Iasi Conference?)



Odette Blumenfeld, Oana Macari, Carla Dente

Balz Engler, Werner Brönnimann, Markus Marti

Many thanks to the organizers:

Odette Blumenfeld

Veronica Popescu

Iulia Blanuta

Oana Macari

Iulia Blanuta, Veronica Popescu


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pictures of Basel Conference (2001)

Shakespeare in Europe
University of Basel, Switzerland

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last changes: November 2007