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globes in different countries


Shakespeare and the Globe [http://www.rdg.ac.uk/globe/] (last visit: 22/01/00)

Globe in Germany: Neuss:
Festival im Globe. (Juni 2001) [http://www.shakespeare-globe.de] [http://www.neuss.de]

The Globe in Tokyo (architect: Arata Isozaki) Matsushita has been a committed sponsor since 1991, encouraging its employees to work as volunteers at the Globe Theatre Company's performances in Osaka. [http://www.matsushita.co.jp/ccd/globe1-e.htm]

The Tsubouchi Theatre Museum of Waseda University. (Shyo Tsubouchi [1859-1935] was the first translator of Shakespeare's complete works into Japanese) [http://www.waseda.ac.jp/enpaku/index-e.html]

A Replica of the
Blackfriars in the States [http://www.shenandoahshakespeare.com/]

The Globe made of ice (Sweden)

Ice Hotel and Ice Globe: The Arctic Experience [http://www.discover-the-world.co.uk/ae/tour8w/iceglobe.htm] (Aug. 2003)


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Shakespeare in Europe
University of Basel, Switzerland

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last changes: August 2003