SHINE: Shakespeare in Europe:

History and Memory

International Conference

Krakow, 17-20 November 2005

Organised by:
Institute of English Philology, Jagiellonian University
Polish Shakespeare Society
Institute of Modern Languages, Pedagogical University in Kraków
In cooperation with the British Council

Seminar: History and Translation

Convenor: Cees Koster, Utrecht University / e-mail:
participants /abstracts

This seminar focuses on questions concerning the way in which the study of Shakespeare translation (in its broadest possible sense, including inter- and intralingual as well as intersemiotic translation) may be instrumental in the historical contextualization of Shakespeare reception in specific European target cultures. Translation itself in this context may be seen as a specific form of (culturally productive) reception that functions in relation to other forms of critical and theatrical reception.

Topics that may be dealt with include:

  • Contextualized translational histories of Shakespeare translation into national cultural and literary systems; the role of Shakespeare translation in shaping national literature
  • The way in which translations of Shakespeare’s works in the course of history have been tailored to fit into specific social, political, educational, cultural and literary contexts
  • Contextualized translational histories of single works
  • Theoretical views on Shakespeare translation from pre-Romantic, Romantic, and post-Romantic (post-modern and post-colonial) perspectives.
  • The relationships between Shakespeare Studies and Translation Studies

Papers on other related topics are also welcomed.

Some key references that may provide theoretical insights in the topic of this seminar are:

Delabastita, Dirk (1998) ‘Shakespeare Translation’. In: Baker, Mona (gen.ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London/New York: Routledge. 222-226.

Fischlin, Daniel & Mark Fortier (2000) ‘General Introduction’. In: Ibid. (eds.) Adaptations of Shakespeare. London/New York: Routledge. 1-22.

Hoenselaars, Ton (2004) ‘Introduction’. In: Ibid. (ed.) Shakespeare and the Language of Translation. The Arden Shakespeare. 1-27.

Abstracts (400-500 words) should be sent by email before June 1st to together with all relevant personal information (name, affiliation etc.). Final versions of the paper (no more than 4000 words) should be sent to the same address before September 15th (attached either as doc.- or rtf.-files). These papers will be circulated among all seminar participants. A shorter version of the paper (1000-1500 words) should be made available for web publication before the end of July.


Time Schedule

First Meeting: Friday 18th November, 09.00 – 10.30

Discussion of papers by
Anna Cetera (Warsaw University),
Lene Petersen (School of English and Drama; University of the West of England)
Karen Bennett (Catholic University of Portugal)

Second Meeting: Friday 18th November, 17.00 – 19.30

Discussion of papers by
Monica Matei-Chesnoiu (University Ovidius Constanta)
Julia Paraizs (Eotvos Lorant University of Sciences, Budapest)

Third Meeting: Saturday 19th November, 09.00 – 10.30

General discussion on the position of the study of translation within Shakespeare Studies


Participants / abstracts

Cetera, Anna (Warsaw University;
"Suit the word to the action: The Case of  Meta (translation) of Shakespeare’s Richard II  (2004)" abstract

Bennett, Karen (Catholic University of Portugal;
"Star-cross’d Lovers in the Age of Aids: Rudolph Nureyev’s Romeo and Juliet as Intersemiotic Translation" abstract

Matei-Chesnoiu, Monica(University Ovidius Constanta;
"English History from Page to Stage: An Early Romanian Translation of Richard III" abstract

Paraizs, Júlia (Eotvos Lorant University of Sciences, Budapest;
"English Shakespeare Editions and Hungarian Shakespeare Translations in the mid-Nineteenth Century. A Case Study" abstract

Petersen, Lene (School of English and Drama; University of the West of England;
"Translation, Transformation, Transmediation:  On The Spirit of Hamlet and Nihilistic Self-fashioning in the Fourteenth Night Watch of Bonaventura (Germany, anon. 1804)" abstract


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The conference gets financial support from:

ACUME, the  European Thematic Network for Cultural Memory in European Countries
Institute of English Philology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
Rector of the Jagiellonian University, Kraków



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