
Pericles - Cymbeline - The Winter's Tale - The Tempest - Two Noble Kinsmen


The Tempest (page 2)

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adaptations in music

a) operas and incidental music

operas: page in Italian [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]: Emmert, 1806 - Kanne, 1808 - Raymond, 1840 - Kunz, 1847 - Nàpravnik, 1860 - Duvernoy, 1880 - D. Jenkins, 1880 - Frank, 1887 - Urspruch, 1888 - Fibich, 1895
Aljabiev, Aleksandr (1787-1851) Burya, opera, 1835 [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]
Aspelmayr, Franz (1728-1786) Der Sturm, 1781 [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]

Bannister, John. (1625-1679) Songs: see [http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/s/shakespeare/] songs for Dryden/Davenant/Shadwell's Tempest. (available at Poor Yorick)
Berio, Luciano. (1925-) Un Re in ascolto azione musicale (1981-1983) libretto: Italo Calvino [http://www.jpc-klassik.de/8324669.htm], [http://www.gf-kuehn.de/featmemo.htm]
Hector Lélio, ou le Retour à la vie mélodrame lyrique; paroles et musique de Hector Berlioz; op. 14b. Text in French: [http://php.indiana.edu/~lneff/libretti/lelio.htm]
Bliss, Arthur. (1891-1975) ouverture and incidental music. [http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/s/shakespeare/tempest_overture.html]

Caruso, Luigi (1754-1822) La Tempesta, 1789 [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]

Draghi, G. B. dance music for Dryden/Davenant/Shadwell's Tempest. (available at Poor Yorick)

Emmert, A. J. Der Sturm 1806

Fabrizi, Vincenzo (1764-1797) La Tempesta ossia Da un disordine nasce un ordine, opera buffa, 1788.[http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]
Fleischmann, Johann Friedrich Anton (1766-1798) Die Geisterinsel, Singspiel 1798 (Tempest) [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]
Frank, E. Der Sturm 1887
Haack, Friedrich Wilhelm (1760-1827) Die Geisterinsel, Singspiel 1799. [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]
Halévy, Jacques Fromental (1799-1862) La Tempesta,1850 (libretto Eugene Scribe, in Italian), [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]
Hart, James. Songs for Dryden/Davenant/Shadwell's Tempest. (available at Poor Yorick)
Hensel, J. D. Die Geisterinsel (1799)
Hoffmeister, Franz Anton Der Sturm, 1792 [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]
Hoiby, Lee. The Tempest. (1986) Opera in 3 acts, libretto by Mark Shulgasser; text: [http://www.schirmer.com/tempest/libretto.html]
Honegger, Arthur. La Tempête
Honolka, Kurt. Die Wunderinsel 195)

Kont, P. Der Sturm (1968)

Locke, Mattew The Tempest, opera, 1674 [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]
Locke, Mathew. (1622-77) incidental music to Dryden/Davenant/Shadwell's Tempest. [http://www.oup.co.uk/hirecat/Locke/]

Martin, Frank. Der Sturm, opera, 1955, transl. Schlegel. Frank Martin-homepage, English and German: [http://www.frankmartin.org/]
Martin, Frank. 5 Ariel-Gesänge, 1950; Violinkonzert, 1951 [http://www.frankmartin.org/fra_s/fra_s_werken.html]
Müller, Wenzel (1767-1835) Die Geisterinsel, 1798, [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]

Purcell, Henry / Th. Shadwell The Tempest [http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Strasse/9570/purcell/works.html]

Reggio, Pietro. songs for Dryden/Davenant/Shadwell's Tempest. (available at Poor Yorick)
Reichardt, Johann Friedrich (1752-1814) 1798, Die Geisterinsel [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]
Ritter, Peter. Der Sturm , 1799
Riotte, Philipp Jakob (1776-1856), Der Sturm oder Die Geisterinsel, 1833 [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]
Rolle, Johann Heinrich (1716-1785) Der Sturm oder Die bezauberte Insel, 1782. [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]

Schäffer, K. F. L., Der Orkan 1805
Schubert, Franz. Alfonso und Estrella (Romantic opera, 1821 / pr. 1854. Libretto by Franz von Schober)

Sibelius, Jean. Stormen - The Tempest op. 109 (1925; Danish trans. E. Lembcke)(list of works at : [http://web.inter.nl.net/hcc/pdebode/sibopus.htm])
Smith, John Cristopher (1712-1795), The Fairies, 1756 [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]
Sullivan, Arthur. The Tempest (1861)
Sutermeister, Heinrich. Die Zauberinsel (Oper, 1942) [http://www.zb.unizh.ch/SONDERSA/musik/sutermeister/sutermeister.htm]

Ursprung, Anton. Der Sturm.1888.

Winter, Peter von. Die Geisterinsel.[http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]

Zumsteeg, Johann Rudolf (1760-1802) 1798, Die Geisterinsel [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]

b) songs

Songs: see [http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/s/shakespeare/]

Debussy, Claude: La Romance d'Ariel, 1884. [http://w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/cmp/debussy_works_song.html]

Full fathom five (act I, scene 2)
John Banister (1625-1679); Robert Johnson (1583-1633); Michael Nyman Ariel Songs, no. 3; Igor Stravinsky, 1953, Three Songs from William Shakespeare, no. 2.; Michael Tippett (1905-1998), Songs for Ariel, no. 2; Ralph Vaughan Williams (1951); Charles Wood (1891). [http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/s/shakespeare/fathom.html]

Come unto these yellow sands, act I, scene 2.
Frederic Ayres (1876-1926), John Banister (c1625-1679), Michael Tippett (1905-1998), Songs for Ariel [http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/s/shakespeare/sands.html]
Arthur Honegger (1892-1955). Venez jusqu'à ces sables d'or. Text by Guy de Pourtales (1881-1941), Chants d'Ariel, no. 1. [http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/v/various/2ca1.html]

The cloud-capp'd towers, act IV, Scene 1.
Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958), 1951. [http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/s/shakespeare/cloud_capped.html]

Where the bee sucks, act V, scene 1.
Frederic Ayres (1876-1926), op. 3 no. 2; John Banister (c1625-1679); Robert Johnson (c.1583-1633); Michael Tippett (1905-1998), Songs for Ariel, no. 3. [http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/s/shakespeare/bee.html]
Arthur Honegger (1892-1955). Où butine l'abeille je butine aussi Text by Guy de Pourtales (1881-1941), Chants d'Ariel, no. 1. [http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/v/various/2ca2.html]

c) instrumental music: ballets, symphonic works, sonatas etc.

Beethoven, Ludwig van: Klaviersonate op. 17, D minor ("Tempest") [http://gibbonsmusic.hypermart.net/teach/guideto.htm]

Berlioz, Hector Fantaisie dramatique sur La Tempête de Shakespeare: Miranda, H 52, H55)

Henze, Hans Werner. Ariel In: Royal Winter Music für Gitarre, 1976. (Gloucester, Romeo and Juliet, Ariel, Ophelia, Touchstone, Oberon, Sir Andrew Aguecheek, Bottom's Dream, Mad Lady Macbeth)
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Illich The Tempest, symphonic phantasy, op. 18 (1873) [http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/blangston/pitch/over.htm#temp]

Thomas, Ambroise. La Tempête. ballet 1889. biography in Italian [http://www.sistemamusica.it/2001/gennaio/26.htm]


paintings, illustrations

Shakespeare illustrated

Olga's Gallery. World Literature in painting. [http://www.abcgallery.com/liter/shakespeare.html](Jan. 2002)

Titles from Shakespeare [http://www.barbarapaul.com/shake/tempest.html] (contains: James Henry Nixon, The Tempest; Henry Fuseli, Ariel; John Mortimer, Caliban; Richard Dadd Come onto These Yellow Sands.)

Illustrations and photographies of productions: Alexander, Catherine M.S. What sort of a play is the Tempest [http://www.shakespeare.org.uk/tempest/]

Dicksee, Sir Frank. Miranda (1878) [http://www.artmagick.com/paintings/painting1696.asp]

Fuseli, Henry. (Jean Simon's engraving, published 1797, of Fuseli's painting for the Boydell Shakespeare Gallery). What sort of a play is the Tempest [http://www.shakespeare.org.uk/tempest/]
Fuseli, Henry. Ariel. (ca. 1800)

Hogarth, William. A Scene from the Tempest (1730-35)

Huskisson, R. "Come unto these yellow sands" (picture from Knight's Imperial Edition) at: [http://home.wanadoo.nl/m.vanherpt/index.html] (Febr. 2002)

Millais, Sir John Everett. Ferdinand Lured by Ariel. (1849) [http://www.abcgallery.com/M/millais/millais3.html]

Romney, George. Act I Scene 1 (Boydell) 1790. Emma Hart as Miranda /1785)

Stephenson's engraving of Ariel, 19th cent. at: What sort of a play is the Tempest [http://www.shakespeare.org.uk/tempest/]

Townsend, H.J. "Ariel" (picture from Knight's Imperial Edition) at: [http://home.wanadoo.nl/m.vanherpt/index.html] (Febr. 2002)

Waterhouse, John William. Miranda (1875) [http://www.artmagick.com/paintings/painting1345.asp] Waterhouse, John William. Miranda - The Tempest (1916) [http://www.artmagick.com/paintings/painting1446.asp]



Alexander, Catherine M.S. What sort of a play is the Tempest study material for A-level students; illustrations and photos [http://www.shakespeare.org.uk/tempest/]

Bilton, Peter. "Another Island, Another Story: A source for Shakespeare's The Tempest" Renaissance Forum, vol. 5/1. (Gaspar Gil Polo's The Enamoured Diana) [http://www.hull.ac.uk/renforum/v5no1/bilton.htm]

Carey-Webb, Allen. "National and Colonial Education in Shakespeare's The Tempest." EMLS 5.1. (May 1999) [http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/05-1/cwebtemp.html]

Collins, J. Churton. "Poetry and Symbolism: A Study of The Tempest." (1908) [http://www.mwsc.edu/~eng368/summer97/public/7.25.97-14.4.47.html]

van Dijkhuizen, Jan Frans Prospero's Dream: The Tempest and the Court Masque Inverted [http://shakespeare.let.uu.nl/masque.htm]

Hay, Simon. The Colonial Discourse of Robert Browning's"Caliban": Subversive Articulations or Method of Containment [http://www.otago.ac.nz/DeepSouth/vol2no3/shay2.html]

Hughes, Ted. On Shakespeare's Goddesses. at: Documents on the Tempest [http://www.mtsn.org.uk/staff/staffpages/cer/cermain.htm] (June 2001)

Hurley, David. Magi Imaginations: Imagining Alchemists and Magicians in New Atlantis, The Tempest, and the Alchemist [http://www.clever-cuckoo.net/ibidem/magimagi.html] (May 2002)

Johnston, Ian. You Can Go Home Again, Can't You? Shakespeare's Tempest [http://www.mala.bc.ca/~johnstoi/eng366/lectures/tempest.htm] (May 2002)

Jowett, John. "Plantation of this Isle" [http://bnc.arts.gla.ac.uk/SESLL/STELLA/COMET/glasgrev/issue1/jowett.htm#Title]

Kahan, Jeoffrey. "Ambroise Paré's Des Monstres as a Possible Source for Caliban" (EMLS 3.1. 1997) [http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/03-1/kahatemp.html]

Kathman, Dave: Dating the Tempest: Anti-Oxfordian article on Shakespeare and Strachey : [http://www.clark.net/pub/tross/ws/tempest.html], (compare also: Multhopp, Volker. Undating the Tempest )

Klein, Herbert. "The far side of the mirror": Peter Greenaway's Prospero's Books. EESE 12/96 [http://webdoc.gwdg.de/edoc/ia/eese/artic96/klein/12_96.html] (May 2002)

Marx, Steven: "Progeny: Prospero's Books, Genesis and The Tempest" Renaissance Forum, 1.2. (1996) [http://www.hull.ac.uk/Hull/EL_Web/renforum/v1no2/marx.htm]

Moulton: From The Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors, ed. Charles Wells Moulton, 8 vols. (London: Moulton Publishing, 1901), 1: 533-36. [http://geocities.com/litpageplus/shakmoul-tempest.html]

Multhopp, Volker. "Undating The Tempest." A response to Dave Kathman and others who use William Strachey's letter to date The Tempest [http://users.erols.com/volker/Shakes/DatgTmpt.htm]

Reitz Mullenix, Elisabeth. The Tempest. [http://www.arts.ilstu.edu/shakespeare/research/ISFtempest.html]

Schneider, Ben Ross jr. Are We Being Historical Yet? Colonialist Interpretations of Shakespeare's Tempest [http://www.stoics.com/are_we_being_historical_yet.html]

Schülting, Sabine. Bringing "this monstrous birth to the world's light": Colonial mimicry in early modern writing (EESE 1, 1996) [http://webdoc.gwdg.de/edoc/ia/eese/artic96/schulte/13_96.html] (May 2002)

Theweleit, Klaus. Pocahontas in Wonderland. Shakespeare on Tour. Shakespeare. [http://www.soziologie.uni-freiburg.de/theweleit/Pocahontas&Shakespeare.htm]

Theweleit, Klaus. Pocahontas-Komplex (Zu den vier Büchern im Stroemfeld-Verlag) [http://www.univie.ac.at/Anglistik/easyrider/data/pages/pocahontas/welcome.htm]

Williams-Wanquet, Eileen. Marina Warner's Indigo as a reworking of The Tempest

York, Christopher. Prospero's Books: The Body as Text [http://cms.mit.edu/~yorkc/Greenaway/page_index.html]


in the classroom

see also on this site: Education - Shakespeare in the classroom

a) lesson plans for the lazy teacher

Tempest [http://www.teachervision.com/lesson-plans/lesson-4090.html] (May 2002)

Cummings, Michael. The Complete Shakespeare - Study Guide to Shakespeare. [http://www.cummingsstudyguides.net/xShakeSph.html#top] (Jan. 2002) Tempest [http://www.cummingsstudyguides.net/xShakeSph.html#topTempest.html]

Shakespeare for teachers and students [http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/shakes.htm] with lesson plans (Jan. 2002)

Shakespeare Magazine Teaching Resource. Maeda, Sherri. for Tempest, Act II and Act V. [http://www.shakespearemag.com/tr.asp?id=38] (Jan. 2002)

Documents on the Tempest [http://www.mtsn.org.uk/staff/staffpages/cer/cermain.htm] (June 2001)

Marx, Steven. Triangulating Shakespeare: teaching and lecture notes, course outlines, articles, links, suggestions, film reviews

Massi, JM. study questions. [http://www.jetlink.net/~massij/wssq/tempest.html] (25/04/01)

McGlinn, James E. A Teacher's Guide to the Tempest (Signet Classics) [http://www.penguinputnam.com] or rather:
Tempest [http://www.teachervision.com/lesson-plans/lesson-4090.html] (May 2002)

b) sites for the eager student:

Shakespeare for teachers and students [http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/shakes.htm] with lesson plans (Jan. 2002)

Cummings, Michael. The Complete Shakespeare - Study Guide to Shakespeare. [http://www.cummingsstudyguides.net/xShakeSph.html#top] (Jan. 2002) Tempest [http://www.cummingsstudyguides.net/xShakeSph.html#topTempest.html]

Lynch Multimedia: Shakespeare for young readers; prose adaptations, audio versions, classroom versions.[http://www.lynchmultimedia.com/shakespeare.html]

The Tempest. [http://athena.english.vt.edu/~jmooney/renmats/tempest.htm]

Alexander, Catherine M.S. What sort of a play is the Tempest study material for A-level students; illustrations and photos [http://www.shakespeare.org.uk/tempest/]


deutsche Webseiten

Rod Andriz. Der Sturm - Hintergründe und Informationen [http://www.freunde.imperium.de/andriz/shakespeare/fo_sturm.htm]

Gröchel, André: William Shakespeare - Der Sturm: Das kleine Shakespeare-Brevier. Informationen zu Quellen, Einführung ins Stück, Hintergründe, Links zu deutschen und englischen elektronischen Texten usw. [
Falls dieser Link nicht klappt:


Just for Fun

ultra-short version, Book-a-Minute Classics, Ultra-Condensed by Samuel Stoddard and David J. Parker [http://rinkworks.com/bookaminute/b/shakespeare.tempest.shtml]


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