2001/2: 14 - 18 November 2001 conference
proceedings: papers,
(Genie) / WS
(Sonnets, Histories)
(Mids. Night's Dream)
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/ Veranstaltungen 1999
Shakespeare-Marathon: Othellokeller im
"Shakespeares", Windischenstrasse 4-6,Weimar
Shakespeare's plays were performed consecutively in one hour
versions over a period of two days, during the annual
meeting of the Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft.
The Gay
presented King Henry VI abridged
The first part of Shakespeare's Trilogy
Henry VI describes battles in France, the breakdown
of order in England and the rise and fall of Joan of Arc
from an English point of view. The play has just been edited
and translated for the Englisch-deutsche Studienausgabe
der Dramen Shakespeares by Dr. des. Jenny Jermann from
Basel University (not yet published). Reason enough for
The Gay Beggars to choose it as their contribution to
the Shakespeare Marathon in Weimar. For those who could not
make it to Weimar The Gay Beggars showed their
production in our own theatre.
Monday, 03.05.99
Shakespeare im Goethe-Park (in German)
Balz Engler (Basel University)
Weimar ist die bedeutendste Stätte der deutschen
Klassik. Die wichtigsten deutschen Klassiker sind Goethe und
Schiller, und, so würden manche sagen, Shakespeare.
Goethe und Schiller haben ein mächtiges Denkmal vor dem
National-Theater, Shakespeare wurde auf Betreiben der
Shakespeare-Gesellschaft zu Beginn dieses Jahrhunderts ein
eher dürftiges Denkmal im Park an der Ilm errichtet.
Einfach hatte es dieses Denkmal nicht. Es wurde verspottet,
von Vandalen beschädigt, an einen anderen Ort verlegt,
aber auch jedes Jahr von einer Prozession von
Shakespeare-Bewunderern besucht. Hier soll gezeigt werden,
wie sich das Schicksal Shakespeares in Deutschland an diesem
Denkmal nachzeichnen lässt, als Beispiel dafür,
dass Shakespeare nicht nur in seinen Werken und deren
Aufführungen lebt, sondern auch als kulturelles
Engler's Article on Shakespeare and the Folger
Monday, 07.06.99
Round trips and returns: Shakespeare in
translation. Lecture Ruth Morse (Université
Paris 7, Jussieu):
Prof. Ruth Morse is an American medievalist living in
England and teaching in Paris. Drawing on this multicultural
background and pedagogic context her lecture dealt with
experiencing Shakespeare in translation: "Most of the time
when we talk or write about translating we assume, of
course, a unidirectional experience, and we discuss
equivalents of language and culture, of transpositions in
history and evolution in ethics. This paper reflects upon
the experience of making the voyage 'there and back again'.
I explore some of the ways in which trying to understand
Shakespeare in translation has enriched my understanding of
texts I thought I knew."
Wednesday, 09. 06. 99
Theatricality and the two texts of King
Lecture Dr. Robert Clare (late of Jesus College,
Dr. Robert Clare has a wide theoretical and practical
knowledge of the theatre. He wrote his D. Phil. on "The
deployment of verse and prose in Shakespeare" and has
recently published an article challenging the theory (put
forward by the editors of The Oxford Shakespeare)
that the Quarto and Folio texts of King Lear are
really two seperate plays. For some years he has also had
contacts with the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, both as stage
manager and coach to actors on verse-speaking, and he
regularly works with prison-groups in the UK - and shortly
the USA - on theatre performance projects.
If you would like to
find out more about the 'Shakespeare in Europe' project
please write to
Department of English
Basel University
Nadelberg 6
CH-4051 Basel
e-mail to:
or phone (0041) 61 267 27
in Europe
University of Basel, Switzerland
for suggestions, additions, dead links etc. contact
last changes: August
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