
Early editors of Shakespeare - bibliographies - collections of critical texts - criticism: 16th century - 17th century - 18th century - 19th century - early 20th century - recent criticism - Sh and Gender - linguistics and semantics - translators of Shakespeare - Electronic Shakespeare - libraries and institutions - discussion groups - authorship questions


recent critical texts


Notes and Queries (from vol 43 onwards) [http://www3.oup.co.uk/notesj/contents/] (July 2002)

Adler, John.
The Head that Wears the Crown History Today, August 1998 changing interpretations of history plays [http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m1373/n8_v48/21031904/p1/article.jhtml] (May 2002)

Arkins, Brian.
Heavy Seneca: his Influence on Shakespeare's Tragedies [http://www.ucd.ie/~classics/95/Arkins95.html] (17/06/00)

Bohannon, Laura (1971):
Shakespeare in the Bush [http://www.cc.gatech.edu/people/home/idris/Essays/Shakes_in_Bush.htm] (last visit: 22/01/00)

Burt, Richard. Introduction to Essays in Cultural Criticism (New York: Palgrave, 2001):
To e- or not to e-? Disposing of Shakespeare in the Age of Digital Media [http://www.richardburt.com/blackwellintrorevised.htm]

Cacicedo, Al.
"Private Parts." Preliminary notes for an essay on gender identity in Shakespeare. Shaksper webpage: [http://ws.bowiestate.edu/archives/files/index.html]

Clarke, Danielle. Showing Like a Queen: Authority and Literary Experiment in Spenser, Shakespeare, and Milton, pp. 295-296, in: Notes and Queries, vol. 49, issue 2002, pdf-file. [http://www3.oup.co.uk/notesj/hdb/Volume_49/Issue_02/] (June 2002)

Conlon, Joe.
"Would You Believe. . . 'Sergeant Shakespeare'?" Shaksper webpage: [http://ws.bowiestate.edu/archives/files/index.html]

Cook, Hardy M.
"Jane Howell's BBC First Tetralogy: Theatrical and Televisual Manipulation." Literature/Film Quarterly. 20 (1992): 326-331. Shaksper webpage: [http://ws.bowiestate.edu/archives/files/index.html]

Cook, Hardy M.
"The Politics of an Academic Discussion Group." A paper presented to the "The Politics of the Electronic Text" seminar of the 1997 SAA conference in Washington, D.C. Shaksper webpage: [http://ws.bowiestate.edu/archives/files/index.html]

Cook, Hardy M. Review of Janet Adelman's Suffocating Mothers: Fantasies of Maternal Origins in Shakespeare's Plays, HAMLET to THE TEMPEST (New York and London: Routledge, 1992). Shakespeare Newsletter (42.2, Summer 1992, 29-30). Shaksper webpage: [http://ws.bowiestate.edu/archives/files/index.html]

Coyle, Martin. Shakespeare: Text and Performance: A Shakespeare Reader: Sources and Criticism, pp. 282-283, in: Notes and Queries, vol. 49, issue 2002, pdf-file. [http://www3.oup.co.uk/notesj/hdb/Volume_49/Issue_02/] (June 2002)

Craig, Hugh. Common words frequencies, Shakespeare's style and the Elegy by W. S. Early Modern Literary Studies 8.1 (May 2002) [http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/08-1/craistyl.htm]

Culwell, Lori M.
"The Role of the Clown in Shakespeare's Theatre." Shaksper webpage: [http://ws.bowiestate.edu/archives/files/index.html]

Early Modern Culture: An Electronic Seminar. (1-29-02) [http://eserver.org/emc/1-2/issue2.html] (March 2002)

Evett, David.
"Remembering Death: Deathbed Scenes in Shakespeare's Plays and the Visual Tradition." Seminar Paper for Shakespeare and the Graphic Arts. 1994 Annual Meeting of SAA. Shaksper webpage: [http://ws.bowiestate.edu/archives/files/index.html]

Ewert, K. A.
" Commodification and Representation: The Body in Shakespeare's History Plays" SRASP (1998) [http://www.marshall.edu/engsr/SR1998.html]

Green, Douglas E.
"New-Minted Shakespeare: Old Currency in a New Classroom Economy." 1993 SAA seminar paper. Shaksper webpage: [http://ws.bowiestate.edu/archives/files/index.html]

Griffin, Benjamin. The Birth of the History Play: Saint, Sacrifice, and Reformation [http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/studies_in_english_literature/v039/39.2griffin.html]

Happé, Peter. Shakespeare's Books: A Dictionary of Shakespeare Sources pp. 288-289, in: Notes and Queries, vol. 49, issue 2002, pdf-file. [http://www3.oup.co.uk/notesj/hdb/Volume_49/Issue_02/] (June 2002)

Hopkins, Lisa.
Cultural Shakespeare: Essays in the Shakespeare Myth, pp. 287-288, in: Notes and Queries, vol. 49, issue 2002, pdf-file. [http://www3.oup.co.uk/notesj/hdb/Volume_49/Issue_02/] (June 2002)

Johnston, Ian.
On Scholarship and Literary Interpretation: An Introductory Note [http://www.mala.bc.ca/~johnstoi/eng366/interpretation.htm]

Kelly, Philippa. Surpassing Glass: Shakespeare's Mirrors Early Modern Literary Studies 8.1 (May 2002) [http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/08-1/kellglas.htm]

Loberg, Harmonie. Hamlet Haven: An on-line, annotated bibliography. (Characters, Subjects, Approaches) [http://www.hamlethaven.com/]:

Longstaffe, Steve. "What is the English history play and why are they saying such terrible things about it?" Renaissance Forum 2.2 (Autumn 97) [http://www.hull.ac.uk/renforum/v2no2/longstaf.htm]

Marowitz, Charles. Shakespearean Scraps (chapter from Roar of the Canon: Kott & Marowitz on Shakespeare, Applause Books 2001) Shakespeare Bulletin, vol. 19, No. 4, Fall 2001. [http://www.shakespeare-bulletin.org/issues/fall01/article-marowitz.html] (Febr. 2002)

Norton, Rictor.
Homosexuality in 18th Century England [http://www.infopt.demon.co.uk/eighteen.htm]

Osborne, Laurie . Hyperessay on
Electronic Shakespearean Criticism, [http://www.colby.edu/personal/leosborn/saa1.html] (last visit: 22/01/00)

Olivier, Dominic. Shakespeare and Modernity: Early Modern to Millennium, p. 285, in: Notes and Queries, vol. 49, issue 2002, pdf-file. [http://www3.oup.co.uk/notesj/hdb/Volume_49/Issue_02/] (June 2002)
Olivier, Dominic.
Marxist Shakespeares, pp. 285-287, in: Notes and Queries, vol. 49, issue 2002, pdf-file. [http://www3.oup.co.uk/notesj/hdb/Volume_49/Issue_02/] (June 2002)

Pfister, Manfred.
"In states unborn and accents yet unknown": Shakespeare and the European Canon. (on this site)

Pressler, Charlotte.
"Passing from Play to Play: The Novella as Mediator Between Italian and English Renaissance Drama." Shaksper webpage: [http://ws.bowiestate.edu/archives/files/index.html]

Ridden, Geoff.
"Carry This Island Home in His Pocket": Buying and Selling Shakespeare. Shaksper webpage: [http://ws.bowiestate.edu/archives/files/carry.home.html]

Springfels, Mary.
Music in Shakespeare's Plays [http://www.elmhurst.edu:8081/shakespeare/esa/660007.html]

Steggle, Matthew. Shakespeare, Jonson, Harington, and Paper's Complaint, pp. 251-253, in: Notes and Queries, vol. 49, issue 2002, pdf-file. [http://www3.oup.co.uk/notesj/hdb/Volume_49/Issue_02/] (June 2002)

Steele, Kenneth B. "
Vowing, Swearing, and Superpraising of Parts: Petrarch and Pyramus in the Woods of Athens." Paper delivered at the 14th Annual Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Conference, Villanova, Pennsylvania, September 1989. Shaksper webpage: [http://ws.bowiestate.edu/archives/files/index.html]

Steele, Kenneth B.
"`This Falls Out Better Than I Could Devise': Play-bound Playwrights and the Nature of Shakespearean Comedy."An expanded version of a paper contributed to the ludic elements seminar at the 1990 SAA Conference in Philadelphia. Shaksper webpage: [http://ws.bowiestate.edu/archives/files/index.html]

Stetner, Clifford.
Several essays, articles, links etc. [http://phoenix.liu.edu/~cstetner/cds.htm]

Streete, Adrian. Shakespeare and the Hunt: A Cultural and Social Study, pp. 281-282, in: Notes and Queries, vol. 49, issue 2002, pdf-file. [http://www3.oup.co.uk/notesj/hdb/Volume_49/Issue_02/] (June 2002)

Urkowitz, Stephen. "'Do me the kindnes to looke vpon this' and 'Heere, read, read': An Invitation to the Pleasures of Textual/ Sexual Di(Per)versity." Paper presented to the 1991 SAA in Vancouver. Shaksper webpage: [http://ws.bowiestate.edu/archives/files/index.html]


Early editors of Shakespeare - bibliographies - collections of critical texts - criticism: 16th century - 17th century - 18th century - 19th century - early 20th century - recent criticism - Sh and Gender - linguistics and semantics - translators of Shakespeare - Electronic Shakespeare - libraries and institutions - discussion groups - authorship questions


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