
Titus Andronicus - Romeo and Juliet - Julius Caesar - Antony and Cleopatra - Coriolanus - Hamlet - Othello - King Lear - Macbeth - Timon of Athens


Antony and Cleopatra


Englisch-deutsche Studienausgabe:

Antony and Cleopatra / Antonius und Kleopatra.

Deutsche Prosafassung, Anmerkungen, Einleitung und Kommentar von Dimiter Daphinoff.
Stauffenburg Verlag


on-line editions / translations / sources / Roman context / productions, performances / film versions / adaptations in literature / adaptations in music / paintings / criticism / in the classroom / deutsche Webseiten / en français / just for fun /


on-line editions

Folio (1623) [http://web.uvic.ca/shakespeare/Annex/DraftTxt/index.html#toc3] (09/05/00)

Folio (1623), University of Virginia [http://etext.virginia.edu/shakespeare/folio/]

audio excerpts

Antony and Cleopatra (LP-production) The Marlowe Dramatic Society 1962. Antony: Richard Johnson, Cleopatra: Irene Worth, Seleucus: Michael Bates (to listen, click at scene picture from Knight's Imperial Edition) at: [http://home.wanadoo.nl/m.vanherpt/index.html] (Jan. 2002)

modern editions:

Antony and Cleopatra, The Oxford Sh., ed. W. J. Craig, 1914. [http://www.bartleby.com/70/index45.html]



Antonius und Cleopatra, Deutsche Übersetzung, Wolf Graf Baudissin [http://projekt.gutenberg.de/shakespr/antonius/antonius.htm]

Dutch translation. by Jan Jonk. [http://www.janjonk.nl/] (March 2002)

Antonio e Cleopatra / Antony and Cleopatra Italian version (PDF,.readable with Acrobat) [http://infoservice.dnsq.org/sh-tragedie.html]



Parallel Lives, trans. North in J.W. Skeats edition. [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/JC/plutarch.north.html]
Plutarch's Antony, translated by Dryden http://classics.mit.edu/Plutarch/antony.html (last visit: 02/09/99)
Lives, transl. by A. H. Clough [http://sailor.gutenberg.org/etext96/plivs10.txt#]
Lives, transl. Dryden [http://classics.mit.edu/Browse/index-Plutarch.html]
Lives, transl. Dryden [http://www.usu.edu/~history/ploutarchos/plutext.html]
bioi (in Greek) [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/Texts/chunk_TOC.grk.html#Plutarch]
Plutarch and Shakespeare comparison pages passages from Ant. and Cl.compared to their source. (Ruth, U.) [http://www.engl.uvic.ca/Faculty/MBhomepage/ISShakespeare/Resources/Plutarch/finder.html] (last visit: 22/01/00)

Daniel, Samuel.
The Tragedie of Cleopatra, 1599 (excerpts from Act IV: Cleopatra's soliloquy, Chorus) [http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/sambib.htm]

Garnier, The Tragedie of Antonie, translated by
Mary Sidney, Countess of Pembroke 1595 (Robert Garnier's Antoine) [http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~rbear/antonie.html]

Josephus Flavius,
Antiquitates Judaicae in Greek (ed. B. Niese) and English (ed. William Whiston) [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0145]
The Antiquities of the Jews. English translation by William Whiston: [http://www.interhack.net/projects/library/antiquities-jews/] (Jan. 2002)
or with
Project Gutenberg [http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=2848]

Epitomae (in Latin) [http://www.gmu.edu/departments/fld/CLASSICS/florus.html]

Pharsalia (The Civil War), transl. Edward Ridley, 1896 [http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/Pharsalia/]

not available:
The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus, trans. T. Lodge, 1602
The Roman Histories of Florus, Trans. E. M. B[olton[, [1619]
The Deeds of Caesar, Anon., 13th century
Cleopatra, G. B. Giraldi Cinthio, 1583


Roman context

Cross, Suzanne. Julius Caesar: The Last Dictator [http://heraklia.fws1.com/] (Jan. 2002) With excellent bibliography and links [http://heraklia.fws1.com/links/index.html] (Jan. 2002)

Akinde, Michael O.
History of the Hellenistic and Roman World. [http://www.fenrir.dk/history/]
biography of Caesar [http://www.fenrir.dk/history/caesar/index.html] (Jan. 2002)

Ancient World Web [http://julen.net/ancient/] (Jan. 2002)

Encyclopaedia Romana [http://penelope.uchicago.edu/~grout/encyclopaedia_romana/index.html] (Jan. 2002)

Into the Roman World. catalogue of Roman web resources. [http://www.ukans.edu/history/index/europe/ancient_rome/E/Roman/home.html] (Jan. 2002)

MacManus, Barbara.
Biography of Cleopatra VII [http://www.royalty.nu/Africa/Egypt/Cleopatra.html] (Jan. 2002)

Cleopatra on the Web, (Everything Cleopatra) ed. Tim Spalding.<http://www.isidore-of-seville.com/cleopatra> (Aug. 04)

productions, performances

a) stage history

Claudon, David.
The Cleopatra Costume on stage and in film. [http://www.xsite.net/~videoc/Cleo/Cleopatra1.html]

Current and forthcoming Shakespeare productions in the UK [http://www.touchstone.bham.ac.uk/performance/shakespeare%20productions.html] (April 2002)

The Traffic on Stage (Shakespeare Productions 1999 - 2002 in the UK) [http://www.is.bham.ac.uk/testjon3/] (April 2002)

Shakespeare at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre (1906-1960) [http://www.touchstone.bham.ac.uk/exhibition/Birmingham/home.html] (April 2002)

New Shakespeare Company online exhibition (from 1962 onwards, history, photographs, programmes, theatre architecture etc.) [http://www.touchstone.bham.ac.uk/exhibition/NSC/home.html] (April 2002)

b) actors, pictures of performances

The Cleveland Press Shakespeare Photographs by Lesley Ellen Jorbin. Free searchable database for pictures of performances: photographs from the plays of Shakespeare on stage, screen, TV, opera and ballet. [http://www.ulib.csuohio.edu/shakespeare/] Antony and Cleopatra: 30 pictures, from 1890, Sarah Bernhard - 1980 Roman Plays [http://www.ulib.csuohio.edu/shakespeare/roman.shtml] (Jan. 2002)

Gerturde Elliot as Cleopatra in Shaw's Caesar and Cleopatra:
Review in the Theatre Magazine, 1906. [http://www.classicaltheatre.com/id21.htm]

Richard Johnson as Antony (audio excerpt, LP-production Antony and Cleopatra The Marlowe Dramatic Society 1962: to listen, click at scene picture from Knight's Imperial Edition) at: [http://home.wanadoo.nl/m.vanherpt/index.html] (Jan. 2002)

Liz Taylor (Mankievicz, 1963) at: [http://greene.xtn.net/~allant/cleophotos.htm]

Vanessa Redgrave, 1995 [http://piximgsrc.corbis.com/cpe/256wm/11152566.jpg]

Irene Worth as Cleopatra (audio excerpt, LP-production Antony and Cleopatra The Marlowe Dramatic Society 1962: to listen, click at scene picture from Knight's Imperial Edition) at: [http://home.wanadoo.nl/m.vanherpt/index.html] (Jan. 2002)

c) reviews of productions

Gerturde Elliot as Cleopatra in Shaw's Caesar and Cleopatra:
Review in the Theatre Magazine, 1906. [http://www.classicaltheatre.com/id21.htm]

1953, Stratford, dir. Glen Byam Shaw, with Redgrave and Ashcroft. reviews, production notes, pictures of Motley's costumes and designs [http://images.library.uiuc.edu/projects/motley/prodanto.htm]

RSC 1978 (dir. Peter Brook, Glenda Jackson as Cleopatra). [http://members.aol.com/xtralinks/pb/pbrsc.htm] (Jan. 2002)

RSC 1992 (Claire Higgins, Richard Johnson) [http://piximgsrc.corbis.com/cpe/256wm/11060168.jpg]
Ron Daniels,
Washington 1996, The Shakespeare Theatre [http://www.shakespearedc.org/acasi1.html] (Jan. 2002)

Mathias, Sean.
London, Olivier 1998 reviews [http://www.albemarle-london.com/antony.html]

The Red Company, dir. Giles Block.
1999, Globe. Dr. Jaq Besell: production notes, rehearsal process etc. [http://www.ffolio.com/abarchive/stage/Antony/rscpix.html] (Jan. 2002)
London, Globe 1999 reviews [http://www.albemarle-london.com/g-antony.html]

Pimlott, Steven.
RSC 1999/2000 reviews. [http://www.albemarle-london.com/rsc-antony.html] RSC 1999 (stage photos, Frances de la Tour and Alan Bates)


film versions

Internet Movie Database [http://www.imdb.com/Name?Shakespeare,+William]
Shakespeare on Television: a bibliography of criticism [http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/06-1/diazbibl.htm]

Antony and Cleopatra (USA, 1983) dir. Lawrence Carra [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0085176]
Antony & Cleopatra (1981) (BBC TV) dir. Jonathan Miller [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0080374]
Antony and Cleopatra (UK, 1974) (TV) dir. Trevor Nunn, Jon Scofield [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0175447]
Antony and Cleopatra (Spain/Switzerland/UK 1973) dir. Charlton Heston [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0068920]
Cleopatra, (Switzerland / UK / USA 1963) dir. Mankiewic, Joseph L. (with Liz Taylor, Richard Burton, Rex Harrison) [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0056937] photos at: [http://greene.xtn.net/~allant/cleophotos.htm]
Antony and Cleopatra (UK, 1951) [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0043289]
Cleopatra silent, (USA; 1917 dir. J. Gordon Edwards [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0007801]
Cleopatra / Helen Gardner in Cleopatra, (1912) dir. Gaskill, Charles L. [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0002101]
Antony and Cleopatra (1910) dir. Henry Andreani. [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0001117]
Antony and Cleopatra (USA, silent 1908) dir. J. Stuart Blackton, Charles Kent [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0000634]


adaptations in literature

Burand, Francis. Antony and Cleopatra. (play) 1866.
OhioLink (Authentication required) [http://www.ohiolink.edu/db/shak-adapt.html]

Dryden, John.
All For Love. [http://www.bb.com/looptestlive.cfm?bookid=580&startrow=1]
Dryden, John.
All for Love. (play) 1678.
also at:

Garrick, David and Edward Capell. Antony and Cleopatra. (play) 1758.
OhioLink (Authentication required) [http://www.ohiolink.edu/db/shak-adapt.html]

Gruenberg, Louis. (1884-1964)
Antony and Cleopatra., libretto and opera, 1955/61. [http://www.hapka.com/usopera/composers/gruenberg/]

Kemble, John. Shakespeare's Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra. (play) 1813.
OhioLink (Authentication required) [http://www.ohiolink.edu/db/shak-adapt.html]

Lytle, William Haynes (1826-1893).
Antony and Cleopatra (poem, American Civil War) [http://users.erols.com/kfraser/union/officers/egypt.html] (Jan. 2002)

Shaw, George Bernard.Caesar and Cleopatra
Review in the Theatre Magazine, 1906. [http://www.classicaltheatre.com/id21.htm]

Walcott, Derek. A Branch of the Blue Nile. (play) 1983. on
Walcott: [http://www.iwu.edu/~iwunews/walcott.html]

Zefirelli, Franco.
Antony and Cleopatra, libretto for S. Barber [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/] discography at [http://www.best.com/~chapka/opera/barber/]

adaptations in popular novels and romances: Heyer, Georgette. Friday Child; Thorpe, Kay. Curtain Call, commented by Osborne, Laurie,
Romancing the Bard [http://www.colby.edu/personal/l/leosborn/POPSHAK/]


adaptations in music

Shakespeare and opera (in Italian): [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]

Barber, Samuel (1910-1981)
Antony and Cleopatra, opera in 3 acts, 1966. libretto by F. Zeffirelli [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/] discography at [http://www.best.com/~chapka/opera/barber/]

Chuisano, Gerard (music) and Gen Tybern (libretto);
Antony and Cleopatra, (libretto, opera project, 1999) [http://www.antonyandcleopatratheopera.com/]

Gruenberg, Louis. (1884-1964)
Antony and Cleopatra., libretto and opera, 1955/61. [http://www.hapka.com/usopera/composers/gruenberg/]

Handel, G. F.
Giulio Cesare in Egitto, Julius Caesar in Egypt, libretto by Nicola Haym (in Italian and Spanish). [http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Choir/7652/julio/julio.htm]

Kaffka, Johan Christoph (1759-1803)
Antonius und Cleopatra, opera, 1799 [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]

Massenet, Jules. Cléopatre,, opera (1914); libretto: Luis Payen; synopsis in English [http://opera.stanford.edu/Massenet/Cleopatre/synopsis.html] synopsis in French [http://www.geocities.com/voyerju/libretti.html]

Matthesen, Johann. Die unglückselige Cleopatra. (1704)

Nürnberg, Karlheinz. Alpha et Omega, 1979-85

F. E. Wittgenstein / Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg,
Antonius und Cleopatra, 1883 [http://members.it.tripod.de/amelia/]

Songs: see [http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/s/shakespeare/]

Schubert, Franz
Bacchus! feister Fürst des Weins (Antonius und Cleopatra) http://www.cdsheetmusic.com/schuberttoc.html#songs, Text [http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/s/shakespeare/]


paintings, illustrations

John W. Waterhouse.
Cleopatra, exhibited in 1888. [http://www.emory.edu/ENGLISH/classes/Shakespeare_Illustrated/Waterhouse.Cleopatra.html]

Images from Antony and Cleopatra (Ricart, Henry Tresham) [http://library.wustl.edu/units/spec/exhibits/enchant/antony-cleopatra.html]

Boydell, London 1803 copperplates.
Act III sc. 9 [http://www.graphic-photo.de/0131.html]

Guido Reni,
Cleopatra. [http://piximgsrc.corbis.com/cpe/256wm/10793099.jpg]

Marc Antoine Raimondi,
Cleopatra [http://piximgsrc.corbis.com/cpe/256wm/11286088.jpg]

Alma Tadema,
Antony and Cleopatra [http://btr0xw.rz.uni-bayreuth.de/cgfa/alma/p-alma7.htm]

Gerome, J. L. "Cleopatra and Caesar" (picture from Knight's Imperial Edition) at: [http://home.wanadoo.nl/m.vanherpt/index.html] (Jan. 2002)



An annotated bibliography. Pamela den Ouden, 1998. [] (Jan. 2002)

Holland, Norman N.:
"The Barge She Sat In": Psychoanalysis and Syntactic Choices [http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/nnh/barge.htm]

Johnston, Ian.
The Triumph of the Lions? An Introduction to Antony and Cleopatra [http://www.mala.bc.ca/~johnstoi/eng366/antonycleopatra.htm]

Lucking, David.
"The price of one fair word": Negotiating Names in Coriolanus. [http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/02-1/luckshak.html]

Moulton: From The Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors, ed. Charles Wells Moulton, 8 vols. (Buffalo, NY: Moulton Publishing, 1901), 1: 526-28. [http://geocities.com/litpageplus/shakmoul-ant-cleo.html]

Oates, Joyce Carol : The Tragedy of Imagination (1964) [http://www.usfca.edu/fac-staff/southerr/antony.html]

Rosenberg, Marvin. "The Myth of Shakespeare's Squeaking Boy Actor--Or Who Played Cleopatra?" [http://www.shakespeare-bulletin.org/issues/spring01/article-rosenberg.html] (Aug. 2001)

Smith, Terence:
Roman Letters and Egyptian Performatives in Antony and Cleopatra [http://homepages.tesco.net/~theatre/tezzaland/webstuff/antony.html]


in the classroom

see also on this site: Education - Shakespeare in the classroom

a) lesson plans for the lazy teacher

Cummings, Michael.
The Complete Shakespeare - Study Guide to Shakespeare. [http://www.cummingsstudyguides.net/xShakeSph.html#top] (Jan. 2002) Antony and Cleopatra [http://www.cummingsstudyguides.net/xShakeSph.html#topAntCleo.html]

Teaching Shakespeare, Folger, lesson plans (archive) [http://www.folger.edu/education/getarchive.cfm]
Shakespeare Magazine Teaching Resource, Antony and Cleopatra. Jenny Nelson, "Put on your toga and silk scarves" (45 min.) [http://www.shakespearemag.com/tr.asp?id=32] (Jan. 2002)

Lynch Multimedia: Shakespeare for young readers; prose adaptations, audio versions, classroom versions.[http://www.lynchmultimedia.com/shakespeare.html]

Marx, Steven.
Triangulating Shakespeare: teaching and lecture notes, course outlines, articles, links, suggestions, film reviews [http://cla.calpoly.edu/~smarx/Shakespeare/triang/Tragedies/tragedies.html]

b) websites for the eager student

Cummings, Michael.
The Complete Shakespeare - Study Guide to Shakespeare. [http://www.cummingsstudyguides.net/xShakeSph.html#top] (Jan. 2002) Antony and Cleopatra [http://www.cummingsstudyguides.net/xShakeSph.html#topAntCleo.html]

Enjoying "Antony and Cleopatra", by Ed Friedlaender. [http://www.pathguy.com/ac.htm]

Study guide by the Guthrie Theater: pdf-file, 83 pages [http://www.guthrietheater.org/pdf/antony.pdf] (Aug. 04)

Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra (Cleopatra on the Web) links to other sites, productions etc. <http://www.isidore-of-seville.com/cleopatra/16.html> (Aug. 04)


deutsche Webseiten

Rod Andriz.
Antonius und Cleopatra. Hintergründe und Informationen [http://www.freunde.imperium.de/andriz/shakespeare/fo_antonius.htm]

Gröchel, André:
William Shakespeare - Antony and Cleopatra: Informationen zu Quellen, Einführung ins Stück, Hintergründe, Links zu deutschen und englischen elektronischen Texten usw. [http://deslit.de/shakespeare/antony.htm]
Falls dieser Link nicht klappt:


en français

Ramel, Jacques.
Antony and Cleopatra. Université de Lyon. [http://nte.univ-lyon2.fr/~ramelj/ac2.html]
Antony and Cleopatra: Thème Apollonien, Dionysien et Artemiso-hécatéen. Lauric Henneton, 2000 [http://projetalbion.free.fr/antony_and_cleopatra.html] (Jan. 2002)


just for fun

Liz Taylor
fan page: introduction with snakes [http://greene.xtn.net/~allant/cleopatraintro.htm]

Wedding Theme Antony and Cleopatra (101 wedding tips) [http://www.101weddingtips.com/theme_WEDD0003.htm] (Jan. 2002)

If your blonde won't respond when you flatter 'er,
Tell her what Tony told Cleopaterer!

("BRUSH UP YOUR SHAKESPEARE" from Kiss me, Kate, music: Cole Porter; lyrics: Sam and Bella Spewack)




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Markus Marti

last changes: July 2010