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Timon of Athens


Timon of Athens

Englisch-deutsche Studienausgabe:

Timon of Athens / Timon von Athen. Deutsche Prosafassung, Anmerkungen, Einleitung und Kommentar von Markus Marti. Englisch-deutsche Studienausgabe.
Stauffenburg Verlag
Commentary to this edition (English and German)
Über diese Ausgabe (englisch und deutsch


on-line editions / translations / sources / productions, performances / film versions / adaptations in literature / adaptations in music / paintings / criticism / in the classroom / deutsche Webseiten / just for fun / top


on-line editions

Folio (1623) [http://web.uvic.ca/shakespeare/Annex/DraftTxt/index.html#toc3] (09/05/00)

Folio (1623), University of Virginia [http://etext.virginia.edu/shakespeare/folio/]

Modernized text Renascence Edition, ed. R. Bear. [http://www.uoregon.edu/~rbear/shake/ta.html] (Jan. 2002)

Timon of Athens, Oxford Sh., ed. W. J. Craig 1914. [http://www.bartleby.com/70/index39.html] (Jan. 2002)



Timon von Athen, Deutsche Übersetzung, von Chr. M. Wieland [http://projekt.gutenberg.de/shakespr/timon/timon.htm]

Timon van Athene Dutch translation. by Jan Jonk. [http://www.janjonk.nl/] (March 2002)

Timone di Atene, Shakespeare in Italian, transl. Goffredo Raponi: [http://www.liberliber.it/biblioteca/s/shakespeare/index.htm]

Timone di Atene / Timon of Athens Italian version (PDF,.readable with Acrobat) [http://infoservice.dnsq.org/sh-tragedie.html]



Parallel Lives, trans. North in J.W. Skeats edition. [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/JC/plutarch.north.html]
Plutarch, Parallel Lives,
Antony trans. Dryden: [http://classics.mit.edu/Plutarch/antony

von Samosata, Timon (Dialog), dt. von Chr. M. Wieland [http://projekt.gutenberg.de/autoren/lukian.htm] (May 2002)
Dialogoi (in Greek) [http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/graeca/Chronologia/S_post02/Lukianos/luk_intr.html]

Ben Jonson,

John Lyly, Campaspe, 1584 (
excerpts) [http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/lylybib.htm]

not available:
Lucian's The Dialogue of Timon, trans. N. da Lonigo, 1536
Timone, M. M. Boiardo, c. 1487
Theatrum Mundi, P. Boaistuau, trans. John Alday, after 1601
W. Painter, The Palace of Pleasure


productions, performances

a) stage history

Current and forthcoming Shakespeare productions in the UK [http://www.touchstone.bham.ac.uk/performance/shakespeare%20productions.html] (April 2002)

The Traffic on Stage (Shakespeare Productions 1999 - 2002 in the UK) [http://www.is.bham.ac.uk/testjon3/] (April 2002)

Shakespeare at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre (1906-1960) [http://www.touchstone.bham.ac.uk/exhibition/Birmingham/home.html] (April 2002)

b) actors, pictures of performances

c) reviews of productions

Langham, Michael.
Broadway, 1993-1994

Van Watson, William.
performance review: Teatro Stabile of Turin, Teatro Pergola, Florence. 18 March 1995.[http://muse.jhu.edu/demo/theatre_journal/48.1pr_shakespeare03.html]

Gregory Doran,
RSC 1998. Barbican 2000 [http://www.albemarle-london.com/rsc-timon.html]
Review by L. Loveridge. [http://www.curtainup.com/timonofathens.html] (Jan. 2002)

Ken Holmes,
Seattle 1999 [http://www.greenstage.org/1999/timon/] (Jan. 2002)


film versions

Internet Movie Database [http://www.imdb.com/Name?Shakespeare,+William]
Shakespeare on Television: a bibliography of criticism [http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/06-1/diazbibl.htm]

Timon of Athens (BBC; TV) (UK, 1981) dir. Jonathan Miller [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0083207]


adaptations in literature

Adaptations of Shakespeare ed. Daniel Fischlin and Mark Fortier.

Titles from Timon [http://www.barbarapaul.com/shake/timon.html]

Cumberland, Richard. Timon of Athens. (play) 1771.
1866. OhioLink (Authentication required) [http://www.ohiolink.edu/db/shak-adapt.html]

Lamb, Charles and Mary. Tales from Shakespeare:
Timon [http://shakespeare.palomar.edu/lambtales/LTTIMON.HTM]
Lamb, Charles and Mary.
Tales, ill. by Arthur Rackham [] (May 2002)
Lamb, Charles and Mary.
Tales, ill. by Gertrude Hammond (1878) [http://www.bartleby.com/1012/]
Lamb, George. Shakespeare's Timon of Athens. (play) 1816.
1866. OhioLink (Authentication required) [http://www.ohiolink.edu/db/shak-adapt.html]

Nesbit, Edith.
Beautiful Tales from Shakespeare

Raimund, Ferdinand.
Der Alpenkönig und der Menschenfeind. [http://gutenberg.aol.de/raimund/alpenkng/alpenkng.htm]

Rasmussen, J. R.
Gabrielle and Timon of Athens: The Failure of Goodness. Crusader 76/408 An episode in Xena: Warrior Princess. [http://whoosh.org/issue28/rasmussen1.html]

Shadwell, Thomas. The History of Timon of Athens, the Man Hater. (play) 1678.
1866. OhioLink (Authentication required) [http://www.ohiolink.edu/db/shak-adapt.html]

Fabre, Emile. Timon d'Athènes. (play) 1908.

Bruckner, Ferdinand. Timon, Tragodie. (play) 1932.
Forschungsprojekt Bruckner: [http://www.germanistik.fu-berlin.de/projekte/projekt_bruckner.html]


adaptations in music

Henry Purcell,
Timon of Athens [http://www.philclas.polygram.nl/class/446/446218.htm]

Duke Ellington,
Timon of Athens suite [http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/vanauken/Duke.html]

Benjamin Britten,
incidental music [http://www.musicweb.f9.co.uk/music/britten/rob6.htm]

Leopold I. (1640-1705) Timone Misantropo, Wien 1696

K. Nürnberg, Timon 1985




paintings, illustrations

Shakespeare illustated

Boydell, London 1803 copperplates.
A Wood (Alcibiades, Timon, Phrynia and Timandra) [http://www.graphic-photo.de/0132.html]

Wyndham Lewis, Percy. Timon (1913).
Wyndham Lewis and Blast (with a picture from the Timon Portfolio) [http://www.adh.brighton.ac.uk/schoolofdesign/MA.COURSE/LBLAST.html] (March 2002)
Wyndham Lewis, Percy,
Timon (study) [http://www.futurism2.fsnet.co.uk/lewis/lewis_im07.htm] (March 2002)
Spreads - Futurism by Richard Humphreys: Wyndham Lewis, Percy. Print from
Timon Portfolio (1912). [http://www.cup.org/features/futurism/spreads6.html] (March 2002)



Johnson, Edward D. Timon of Athens. (
Baconian). [http://www.sirbacon.org/links/timon.htm]

Moulton: From The Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors, ed. Charles Wells Moulton, 8 vols. (Buffalo, NY: Moulton Publishing, 1901), 1: 529-31. [http://geocities.com/litpageplus/shakmoul-timon.html]

in the classroom

Spark Notes [http://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/timonofathens/] (Jan. 2002)

Cummings, Michael.
study aids. [http://www.cummingsstudyguides.net/xShakeSph.html#topTimon.html] (Jan. 2002)


deutsche Webseiten

Gröchel, André:
William Shakespeare - Timon: Informationen zu Quellen, Einführung ins Stück, Hintergründe, usw. [http://deslit.de/shakespeare/timon.htm]
Falls dieser Link nicht klappt:


Just For Fun

The Dachshund Retelling of Timon of Athens [http://www.chill.org/csss/eng/dach/]

Insults from Timon of Athens [http://www.insults.net/html/shakespeare/timonofathens.html] (Jan. 2002)



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