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Romeo and Juliet (page 1)

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Englisch-deutsche Studienausgabe

Romeo and Juliet - Romeo und Julia.

Deutsche Prosafassung, Anmerkungen, Einleitung und Kommentar von Ulrike Fritz.
Stauffenburg Verlag


page 1
on-line editions / translations / sources / productions, performances / film versions / adaptations in literature
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adaptations in music (musicals, operas, songs) / ballet productions / paintings / tourism / criticism / in the classroom / Danish website / deutsche Webseiten / in italiano / just for fun /


on-line editions

First Quarto (1603), Second Quarto (1604), First Folio (1623) [http://web.uvic.ca/shakespeare/Annex/DraftTxt/Rom/index.html]

Folio (1623), University of Virginia [http://etext.virginia.edu/shakespeare/folio/]

Weller, Philip: Romeo and Juliet Navigator at clicknotes [http://www.clicknotes.com/romeo/welcome.html]


Modern Shakespeare: Shakespeare in modern English, by Walter Saunders [http://www.shakespeare2000.com/index.html] (May 2002)

Romeo und Juliette, Deutsche Übersetzung von Chr. M. Wieland [http://projekt.gutenberg.de/shakespr/romeo/romeo.htm]

Romeo und Julia. Deutsche Übersetzung von August W. Schlegel [http://projekt.gutenberg.de/shakespr/romeo1/romeo.htm] (May 2002)

Zysset, Sylvia. Shakespeares Sprache: Verführung und Herausforderung Vergleich von sechs Übersetzungen (article on this site) [http://www.unibas.ch/shine/shine_arbeiten.htm]

Romeo & Juliet Dutch translation. by Jan Jonk. [http://www.janjonk.nl/] (March 2002)

Roméo et Juliette in French / en français, trad. Victor Hugo [http://www.france.diplomatie.fr/culture/france/biblio/foire_aux_textes/auteurs/shake.html]
Romeo e Giulietta / Romeo and Juliet. Italian version (PDF,.readable with Acrobat) [http://infoservice.dnsq.org/sh-tragedie.html]


Peter Postlethwaite as Friar Laurence: Romeo and Juliet. audio excerpt from 1996 Baz Luhrmann film (to listen, click at scene picture from Knight's Imperial Edition) at: [http://home.wanadoo.nl/m.vanherpt/index.html] (Jan. 2002)



Romeo and Juliet before Shakespeare [http://www.library.utoronto.ca/crrs/RandJ.htm] (Jan. 2002)
Patriccia, Nicholas A. Shakespeare in Love - The Suppressed Italian Connection (on Salernitano, da Porto, Bandello) [http://www.dramaticpublishing.com/patricca.cfm] (Oct. 03)

Brooke, Arthur. The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet, 1562 [http://www.clicknotes.com/romeo/brooke/Bttr.html]

Broke, Arthur. The tragicall histori of Romeus and Juliet (sic! this printing, 1567) [
http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://arachnid.pepperdine.edu/eolbricht/r&j/broke1.html] (May 2002)

Chaucer, Geoffrey, Chaucer's texts on-line. [http://www.unc.edu/depts/chaucer/chtexts.htm]
Troilus and Cryseide, Skeats edition. [http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/Troilus/] (Jan. 2002)

Otway, Thomas. The History and Fall of Caius Marius. A Tragedy. [http://dewey.library.upenn.edu/SCETI/PrintedBooksNew/index.cfm] (May 2002)

Ovid, Metamorphoses, in Latin: [http://www.gmu.edu/departments/fld/CLASSICS/ovid.met.html]
Ovid, Metamorphoses in Latin (Hugo Magnus) and English (Brookes More), [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.02.0029]
Ovid, Metamorphoses, transl. into English verse under the direction of Sir Samuel Garth by John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Joseph Addison, William Congreve [http://dante.ilt.columbia.edu/books/metamor/ovid_met_toc.html]
Ovid, Metamorphosis in English, Garth, Dryden, Pope etc.: [http://classics.mit.edu/Ovid/metam.html], also here: analytical Onomasticon project [http://ilex.cc.kcl.ac.uk/wlm/onomasticon-sampler/index.html] (May 2002)
Ovid, Metamorphosen, Deutsch von J. H. Voss [http://projekt.gutenberg.de/ovid/metamor/metamor.htm] (May 2002)

not available:
Ovid, Metamorphoses, trans. Golding, 1575
Masuccio di Salerno / Salernitano (Tommaso dei Guardati, 1410 to 1480) (1576), Novellino
W. Painter (1562): Palace of Pleasure
Luigi da Porto (1485-1529), Historia novellamente ritrovata di due nobili amanti. / Giulietta e Romeo (1531)
Matteo Bandello, Novella IX, La sfortunata morte di dui infelicissimi amanti che l'uno di veleno e l#altro di dolore morirono, con varii acidenti. (1554)
Boaistuau (1559) Histoires Tragiques (1559)


productions, performances

a) stage history

Current and forthcoming Shakespeare productions in the UK [http://www.touchstone.bham.ac.uk/performance/shakespeare%20productions.html] (April 2002)

The Traffic on Stage (Shakespeare Productions 1999 - 2002 in the UK) [http://www.is.bham.ac.uk/testjon3/] (April 2002)

Shakespeare at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre (1906-1960) [http://www.touchstone.bham.ac.uk/exhibition/Birmingham/home.html] (April 2002)

New Shakespeare Company online exhibition (from 1962 onwards, history, photographs, programmes, theatre architecture etc.) [http://www.touchstone.bham.ac.uk/exhibition/NSC/home.html] (April 2002)

b) actors, pictures of performances

The Cleveland Press Shakespeare Photographs by Lesley Ellen Jorbin. Free searchable database for pictures of performances: photographs from the plays of Shakespeare on stage, screen, TV, opera and ballet. [http://www.ulib.csuohio.edu/shakespeare/] 52 pictures of Romeo and Juliet (Jan. 2002) Tragedies [http://www.ulib.csuohio.edu/shakespeare/tragedy.shtml]

Kemble, Fanny. Opening Night as Juliet (from: Records of a Girlhood, 1886) [http://www.classicaltheatre.com/id16.htm]

Allen, Viola. Shakespeare's Heroines. (1906) with picture as Juliet [http://www.classicaltheatre.com/id20.htm]

Peter Postlethwaite as Friar Laurence: Romeo and Juliet. audio excerpt from 1996 Baz Luhrmann film (to listen, click at scene picture from Knight's Imperial Edition) at: [http://home.wanadoo.nl/m.vanherpt/index.html] (Jan. 2002)

c) reviews of productions

Peter Brook, Romeo and Juliet. RSC: 1947 reviews, pictures etc. [http://members.aol.com/xtralinks/pb/pbrsc.htm] (Jan. 2002)

West Side Story, Broadway 1957, 1980

Costalunga, Pino. The Very Comic Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare/Da Porte) Venice, Commedia dell Arte.
[http://web.archive.org/web/*/] + [http://www.teatroimmagine.com/Index_en.html]

Mann, Theodore. Broadway 1976

Shaltz, Justin. Illinois Festival 1994, dir. Patrick O Gara. [http://orathost.cfa.ilstu.edu/shakespeare/research/sb94c.html]

Supple, Tim. National Theatre, Olivier 2000 reviews.


film versions

Internet Movie Database [http://www.imdb.com/Name?Shakespeare,+William]
Shakespeare on Television: a bibliography of criticism [http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/06-1/diazbibl.htm]

Romeo and Juliet. (USA; 2000, re-told by Mercutio) dir. Colin Cox. [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0238562]
West Side (porn movie, 2000) dir. Ren Savant.
Romeo and Juliet I and II (porn films, l987 and 1988) dir. Paul Thomas. porn film versions
Romeo och Julia (Sweden 1996) dir. Alexander Öberg. http://us.imdb.com/Title?0182395]

Romeo + Juliet (USA, 1996; set in Verona Beach, Miami) dir. Baz Luhrmann. [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0117509]
Peter Postlethwaite as Friar Laurence: Romeo and Juliet. audio excerpt from 1996 Baz Luhrmann film (to listen, click at scene picture from Knight's Imperial Edition) at: [http://home.wanadoo.nl/m.vanherpt/index.html] (Jan. 2002)

Tromeo and Juliet (1996 punk adaptation) dir. Lloyd Kaufman. [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0114733]
Love Is All There Is (USA, 1996) dir. Joseph Bologna, Renée Taylor. [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0116928]
Romeo & Juliet (UK, 1994) dir.Alan Horrox. [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0111011]
Roméo et Juliette (UK, 1994) Brian Large. (Gounod's opera) [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0254739]
Romeo and Julian (gay porn. 1994) dir. Sam Abdul
Juliet and Romeo (porn, 1994) dir, Jo. d'Amato.
Romeo & Juliet (1993) dir. Norman Campbell [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0152225]
Romeo & Julia (1992) dir. Kevin Kaufman [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0105272]
Carnival in Venice (Le voyage a Venice) (gay porn adaptation, 1986) dir. Jean-Daniel Cadot.
Romie-O and Julie-8 (Canada,1979) dir. Clive A. Smith [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0079824]
Romeo and Juliet (UK, 1978) (BBC, TV) dir. [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0078176]
Romeo and Juliet (UK, 1976) (TV) dir. Joan Kemp-Welch [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0125480]
The Secret Sex Lives of Romeo and Juliet /Juliet's Desire (USA; 1968/69) dir. Peter Perry [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0127819]
Romeo and Juliet / Giulietta e Romeo (Italy, 1968) dir. Franco Zeffirelli [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0063518]
Romeo and Juliet (UK, 1967) (TV) dir. Alan Cooke [http://us.imdb.com/Title?006221]
Romeo and Juliet (1966) dir. Paul Czinner [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0060911]
Romeo and Juliet (UK; 1965) (TV) dir. Val Drum, Paul Lee [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0125479]
Giulietta e Romeo / Los Amantes de Verona (Italy, 1964/ Spain 1968) dir. Riccardo Freda [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0050441]
West Side Story musical (USA, 1961) dir. Jerome Robbins, Robert Wise [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0055614]
Romeo and Juliet (UK, 1955) (TV) dir. Haorld Clayton [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0125478]
Romeo and Juliet (1955) (TV) dir. ? with Claire Bloom [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0257051]
Romeo i Julietta / The Ballet of Romeo and Juliet (1955) dir. Lev Arnshtam, Leonid Lavrovsky [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0048561]
Romeo and Juliet colour, (UK/Italy 1954) dir. Renato Castellani [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0047029]
Anjuman (India, 1948) dir. Akhtar Hussein [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0124984]
Shuhaddaa el gharam (Egypt, 1942) dir. Kamal Selim [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0125495]
Romeo and Juliet (USA,1936) dir. George Cukor [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0028203]
Romeo and Juliet silent m., (USA, 1916) dir. J. Gordon, Maxwell Karger [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0007271]
Romeo and Juliet silent m. (USA, 1916) dir. Francis X. Bushman and John W. Noble [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0007272]
Indian Romeo and Juliet silent m., (USA, 1912) dir. Laurence Trimble [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0002272]
Giulietta e Romeo silent m. (Italy, 1911) dir. Gerolamo Lo Savio [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0123088]
Romeo and Juliet silent m. (USA; 1911) dir. Barry O'Neill [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0123245]
Romeo and Juliet silent m. (UK, 1908) [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0123244]
Romeo e Giulietta silent m. (1908) dir. Mario Caserini [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0123246]
Romeo and Juliet silent m. (France, 1900) dir. Clement Maurice [http://us.imdb.com/Title?0123243]

adaptations in literature

Adaptations of Shakespeare ed. Daniel Fischlin and Mark Fortier. [http://brig.thomson.com:9966/routledge/shakespeare/adaptations.html]

Boggild, Hans. Reginald and Juliet. (play) 1982.
Booth, Allen and Robin White. Ho Mao and Julieta: A Multi-cultural Romeo and Juliet. (play) 1984.

Cibber, Theophilius. Romeo and Juliet. (1748) OhioLink (Authentication required) [http://www.ohiolink.edu/db/shak-adapt.html]

Garrick, David. Romeo and Juliet (1814).

Germain, Jean-Claude. Rodeo et Juliette. (play)
Gurney, Richard. Romeo and Juliet Travesty. 1812. OhioLink (Authentication required) [http://www.ohiolink.edu/db/shak-adapt.html]

Keller, Gottfried. Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe full text in German. [http://www.projekt.gutenberg.de/keller/seldwyla/romeo/romeo.htm]

Lamb, Charles and Mary. Tales from Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet [http://shakespeare.palomar.edu/lambtales/LTROMEO.HTM]
Lamb, Charles and Mary. Tales, ill. by Arthur Rackham [] (May 2002)
Lamb, Tales, ill. by Gertrude Hammond (1878) [http://www.bartleby.com/1012/]

Longley, Ernest G. A Modern Romeo and Juliet. (play) 188?
Lorca, Federico Garcia. El Publico. 1930. The Public. (play)
MacDonald, Ann-Marie. Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet). (play) 1990. (also Othello)

Nesbit, E. Beautiful Tales from Shakespeare

Otway, Thomas, 1680. "The History and Fall of Caius Marius" OhioLink (Authentication required) [http://www.ohiolink.edu/db/shak-adapt.html]

Presgurvic, Gerard (libretto and music). Roméo et Juliette. musical. [http://id.conseil.free.fr/escaf/romeo.html]
Interview with Presgurvic (in French) [http://www.alessentiel.com/mag/article/romeo_juliette.php3]

Sims, Gideon, The Punk. The first Romeo and Juliet with safety pins.

Stetner, Clifford. Sins of the Fathers: Romeo and Juliet as Human Sacrifice [http://phoenixandturtle.net/excerptmill/sinsoffathers.htm] (July 05)

Stoppard Tom, Marc Norman. Shakespeare in Love. film script. [http://members.nbci.com/_XMCM/scriptszone/scripts/shakespeare_in_love.htm] also at [http://www.un-official.com/SIL/sil.html].

Ustinov, Peter. Romanoff and Juliet. (play) 1958.

Wise, Robert and Jerome Robbins. West Side Story. (musical play) 1961.

adaptations in popular novels and romances: Chase, Loretta. The Devil's Delilah; Heyer, Georgette. Sprig Muslin; Layton, Edith. False Angel; Mansfield, Elizabeth. Matched Pairs; Smith, Joan. Lover's Vows; Summerville, Margaret. The Improper Playwright; Suson, Marlene. The Fair Imposter, commented by Osborne, Laurie, Romancing the Bard [http://www.colby.edu/personal/l/leosborn/POPSHAK/]



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