a) bibliographies
Baragona, Alan: Selected Hamlet Bibliography
(Febr. 2002)
Hamlet course, Proseminar 2002, bibliography
b) historical criticism (on-line texts)
Alexander, Peter: The
Complete Man
'All The Year Round' Essay on "The
Origin of Hamlet"
Bradley, A.C., Shakespearean
1905. on-line edition with notes. (Hamlet, Othello, King
Lear, Macbeth)
Coleridge, S. T. "Hamlet" - Lectures
and Notes on Shakspere and Other English
(London : George Bell and Sons, 1904), pp. 342-368.
Coleridge, S. T. 'Table
Talk' on Hamlet
Cowden Clarke, Mary. fictional
Girlhood of Ophelia
Elliot, T. S. : "Hamlet
and His Problems." in
The Sacred Wood: Essays on Poetry and Criticism.
(London: Methuen, 1921). p. 95-103.
or: Hamlet
and his Problems
(1922), [http://www.bartleby.com/200/sw9.html]
Faucit, Helena (Lady Martin) "Ophelia": On
Some of Shakespeare's Female
(Edinburgh and London : William Blackwood and Sons, 1899),
pp. 3-21. Sixth Edition.
Granville_Barker, Harvey. Preface
to Hamlet
(1936), exerpt on place-structure and time-structure
[http://princehamlet.com/granville.html] (May
Hazlitt, William. Essays
Genius and Common Sense
Hazlitt, William. Essay
on Hamlet.
Source Text : William Hazlitt, Lectures on the Literature
of the Age of Elizabeth and Characters of Shakespear's
Plays (London : George Bell and Sons, 1900), pp. 73-81.
Jameson, Anna. Shakspeare's
Heroines : Characteristics of Women, Moral, Poetical and
(London : George Bell and Sons, 1891), on Ophelia: pp.
153-170. Transcribed and edited by Thomas Larque.
Johnson, Samuel Hamlet:
Excerpt from "Notes on Shakespeare"
Johnson, Samuel. Johnson
On Shakespeare
(London : Oxford University Press, 1929), pp. 189-196.
Transcribed and edited by Thomas Larque.
Jones, Ernest: Hamlet
and Oedipus
Jones, Ernest: Hamlet
and Oedipus
[http://shakespeare-navigators.com//jones/] (Sept. 2010)
Joyce, James. Lectures
on Hamlet
(Jan. 2002)
James Joyce on Hamlet: James
Joyce's Life of Shakespeare
ann. by John Barger
(Jan. 2002)
Knight, Wilson: Embassy
of Death
(Hamlet as villain,
Claudius as hero,
from The Wheel of Fire, 1930) (excerpt)
or: G. Wilson Knight:
Embassy of Death
(March 2002)
Lewis: Hamlet
--The Prince or the Poem?
de Madariaga, Salvador. Rosencrantz
and Guildenstern
From The Library of Literary Criticism of English and
American Authors, ed. Charles Wells Moulton, 8 vols.
(London: Moulton Publishing, 1901), 1: 500-07.
Vining, Edward P.
Mystery of Hamlet
(1881), excerpt. (Hamlet as a woman)
(March 2002)
J. Dover Wilson: Antic
from critics Dover
Wilson: Antic Disposition From What Happens in Hamlet
(March 2002)
c) recent criticism (on-line
Aasand, Hardin L. (Dickinson State University): "O'ertopping
Pelion: Hamlet, Laertes, and the Revenge Tradition"
/ abstract
(Valencia 2001, on this site)
Bains, Yashdip. "Loose
Ends and Inconsistencies in the First Quarto of
Shakespeare's Hamlet?"
Hamlet Studies 18 (1996): 94-104. Shaksper webpage:
Bohannon, Laura (1971): Shakespeare
in the Bush
(last visit: 22/01/00)
Breeze, Andrew. Welsh
Tradition and the Baker's Daughter in
pp. 199-200 in: Notes
and Queries,
vol. 49, issue 2002, pdf-file.
(June 2002)
Brown, John Russell "Connotations
of Hamlet's Final Silence,"
Connotations 2.3 (1992): 275-86.
of Meaning in the Last Moments of
Connotations 2.1 (1992): 16-33.
(see also: Mehl, Charney, Klein)
Burrow, Colin. "Will
the real Hamlet please stand up?"
Times Online, 19th May 2002. (about the new Arden
Charney, Maurice "The
Rest Is Not Silence: A Reply to John Russell
Connotations 2.2 (1992): 186-189.
(see also: Mehl, Klein, Brown)
Chesnoiu, Monica. University "Ovidius" Constanta, Romania:
Revenge and Power from the Margins: Masks of Romanian
[article on this site]
Cook, Hardy M. "Reformatting
Hamlet: Creating a Q1 Hamlet for
The Shakespeare Yearbook 8 (1997): 370-382. Shaksper
Crunelle-Vanrigh, Anny. 'Too
Much in the (Black) Sun': Hamlet's First Soliloquy, A
Kristevan View.
Renaissance Forum, vol. 2, Nr. 2
de Grazia, Margreta. Hamlet's
Thoughts and Antics.
(Is Hamlet a character who above all else "thinks"?) in:
Early Modern Culture: An Electronic Seminar. (1-29-02)
Fleming, Juliet. Reponse
[http://eserver.org/emc/1-2/fleming.html] (March
Delville, Michel and Michel, Pierr, University of
Liège: Introduction
to Hamlet,
Engl. version by Eriks Uskalis
à Hamlet
en français
Ehlers, Benjamin A. Luther
and English Apocalypticism: The Role of Luther in Three
Seventeenth-Century Commentaries on the Book of
(Essays in History, vol. 34, 1992)
Epstein, Paul. The
Purgation of the Hero in Shakespearean
(Hamlet, Lear, Othello, Macbeth)
de Grazia, Margreta. Hamlet's
Thoughts and Antics.
(Is Hamlet a character who above all else "thinks"?) in:
Early Modern Culture: An Electronic Seminar. (1-29-02)
Fleming, Juliet. Reponse
[http://eserver.org/emc/1-2/fleming.html] (March
Del Sapio Garbero, Maria La traduzione di Amleto nella
cultura europea. A cura di Maria Del Sapio Garbero,
Venezia: Marsilio Editori, 2002. 173 pp.) an important
collection for students of Shakespeare in Europe.
Contents: Introduzione (Maria Del Sapio Garbero); Le origini
di Amleto (Alessandro Serpieri); Mallarmé,
Amleto e il vento (Jacqueline Risset);
L'Amleto nella cultura russa (Cesare G. De Michelis);
L'Elsinore lusitano (Giulia Lanciani); Berlino e Budapest:
gli Amleti dell'Europa in guerra (Zoltan Markus); Heiner
Müller e la Hamletmaschine (Francesco Fiorentino);
Reinvenzione di Ofelia (Maria Del Sapio Garbero);
Hamlet nel teatro contemporaneo spagnolo (Guiseppe
Grilli); Che fare di Amleto (Giorgio Melchiori);
Tradurre Amleto: intervista ad Agostino Lombardo
(Maddalena Pennacchia)
Hatchuel, Sarah.
the Gaze: From
Showing to Telling in Kenneth Branagh's Henry V and Hamlet
(EMLS 6.1)
Hill, Harry. "The
Mixture of 'High' and 'Low' Culture in Hamlet I,i: A Close
Reading." This
paper was delivered at Popular Culture Association Meeting
in Syracuse, NY, on November 2nd 1995. Shaksper webpage:
Holland, Sarah. Hamlet:
A Humoral Diagnosis
Jenkins, Harold. The
Relation Between the Second Quarto and the Folio
Text of Hamlet
(Studies in Bibliography, Volume 7 (1955) (Jan. 2002)
Johnston, Ian. Introductory
Lecture on Shakespeare's
Johnston, Ian. The
Issue of Language: Introduction to Richard II and
Klein, Holger. Hamlet
and After
(see also: Mehl, Charney, Brown)
Kliman, Bernice W. "Three
Notes on Polonius: Position, Residence, and
Shakespeare Bulletin, spring 2002.
(July 2002)
Lehmann, Courtney. Making
Mother Matter:
Repression, Revision, and the Stakes of 'Reading
Psychoanalysis Into' Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet (EMLS
Leithart, Peter J. "The
Serpent Now Wears the Crown: A Typological Reading of
Contra Mundum, 11. (1994)
Mabillard, Ann. Hamlet's
McDonough, Christopher. Missing
Mouse (Hamlet, I.i.12),
pp. 228-229, in: Notes
and Queries,
vol. 49, issue 2002, pdf-file.
(June 2002)
Mamoun, John S. "The
Hamlet Paradigm"
Marowitz, Charles. Shakespearean
(chapter from Roar of the Canon: Kott & Marowitz on
Shakespeare, Applause Books 2001) Shakespeare Bulletin,
vol. 19, No. 4, Fall 2001.
(Febr. 2002)
Matei-Chesnoiu: see Chesnoiu.
Mehl, Dieter "Hamlet's
Last Moments: A Note on John Russell
Connotations 2.2 (1992): 182-185.
(see also: Klein, Charney, Brown)
Murdoch, Walter. "Hamlet
Murdoch, Walter. "Hamlets
Murdoch, Walter. "The
Policy of Polonius"
Nighan, Raymond. "Renaissance
Theories of Ghosts and Demons."
(May 2002)
Olson, Donald W., Olson, Marilynn S. The
Stars of Hamlet
(astronomical imagery) Sky & Telescope, 1998
& [/http://www.britannica.com/bcom/magazine/article/0,5744,63639,00.html]
(May 2002)
Reitz Mullenix, Elizabeth: The
Sublime or the Ridiculous?:
Hamlet's enigmatic positioning within the American cultural
Reitz Mullenix, Elizabeth: Preying
upon the "Theatrical Parasite":
A Reexamination of Stoppard's Influences in Rosencrantz
and Guildenstern
Roth, Steve. Hamlet:
The Undiscovered Country.
Preface and chapter 1, Hamlet's age,timeline, links.
[http://princehamlet.com/index.html] (May 2001)
Roth, Steve. Hamlet
as The Christmas Prince: Certain Speculations on Hamlet, the
Calendar, Revels, and Misrule.
EMLS, 2002
[http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/07-3/07-3toc.htm] (Jan.
Shakespeare in Connotations: Hamlet
(Articles by J.B. Brown, Charney, Holger Klein, Dieter
(May 2002)
Shand, G.B. Skip. "Queen
of the First Quarto." Performance-oriented
study of the Queen in the first Quarto Hamlet. Also
available in abstract. Shaksper webpage:
Sohmer, Steve. "Certain
Speculations on Hamlet, the Calendar, and Martin
Luther." EMLS
2.1 (1996)
Themes and Motifs in Anton Chekhov's
Works (article
on this site)
Stetner, Clifford. Deconstructing
Taylor, Gary. Hamlet
in Africa 1607
(Nov. 2002)
Yu, Shiao-Ling. Shakespeare
on the Chinese Stage: Two Adaptations of
(1999). Discusses how appropriation or misappropriation of
Shakespeare made his play more accessible to the Chinese and
Taiwanese audience.
(March 2002)