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Hamlet: Academic Criticism

(Hamlet: page 4)

bibliographies - historical criticism - recent criticism


page 1:
on-line editions (Folio and Quartos) / modern editions / audio excerpts / translations (German, Dutch, French, Italian, Russian, Chinese)/ sources /
page 2:
productions and performances : stage history / actors, pictures of performances / reviews of productions / film versions (1900 - 2002)
page 3:
adaptations in literature / parodies / adaptations in music : musicals - operas and incidental music - songs - ballets / paintings, engravings / popular culture: tourism
page 4:
bibliographies - historical criticism - recent criticism
page 5:
in the classroom: courses, lectures, general approaches / study questions, essay topics / teaching resources / teaching units / sites for students / deutsche Webseiten / en français / just for fun
page 6:
Proseminar Hamlet (2002): course programme, film programme, reading Hamlet, bibliography, editing Hamlet
page 7:
A project in progress: Hamlet revisited: Uses (allusions, quotations etc.) in later texts. Based on a Moby version of Hamlet



a) bibliographies

Baragona, Alan: Selected Hamlet
Bibliography [http://academics.vmi.edu/english/Hamlet-bib.html] (Febr. 2002)
Hamlet course, Proseminar 2002,

b) historical criticism (on-line texts)

Alexander, Peter:
The Complete Man [http://www.freehomepages.com/hamlet/other/essayson.htm]

'All The Year Round' Essay on
"The Origin of Hamlet" [http://shakespearean.org.uk/ham1-dic.htm]

Bradley, A.C.,
Shakespearean Tragedy, 1905. on-line edition with notes. (Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth) http://shakespeare-navigators.com//bradley/]

Coleridge, S. T. "Hamlet" -
Lectures and Notes on Shakspere and Other English Poets (London : George Bell and Sons, 1904), pp. 342-368. [http://shakespearean.org.uk/ham1-col.htm]

Coleridge, S. T.
'Table Talk' on Hamlet [http://shakespearean.org.uk/ham2-col.htm]

Cowden Clarke, Mary.
fictional Girlhood of Ophelia [http://shakespearean.org.uk/oph1-cla.htm]

Elliot, T. S. :
"Hamlet and His Problems." in The Sacred Wood: Essays on Poetry and Criticism. (London: Methuen, 1921). p. 95-103. [http://shakespeare-navigators.com//hamlet/Eliot/welcome.html]
Hamlet and his Problems (1922), [http://www.bartleby.com/200/sw9.html]

Faucit, Helena (Lady Martin) "Ophelia":
On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters (Edinburgh and London : William Blackwood and Sons, 1899), pp. 3-21. Sixth Edition. [http://shakespearean.org.uk/oph1-fau.htm]

Granville_Barker, Harvey.
Preface to Hamlet (1936), exerpt on place-structure and time-structure [http://princehamlet.com/granville.html] (May 2001)

Hazlitt, William.
Essays [http://www.blupete.com/Literature/Essays/TableHaz.htm], On Genius and Common Sense [http://www.blupete.com/Literature/Essays/Hazlitt/Genius.htm]

Hazlitt, William.
Essay on Hamlet. Source Text : William Hazlitt, Lectures on the Literature of the Age of Elizabeth and Characters of Shakespear's Plays (London : George Bell and Sons, 1900), pp. 73-81. [http://shakespearean.org.uk/ham1-haz.htm]

Jameson, Anna.
Shakspeare's Heroines : Characteristics of Women, Moral, Poetical and Historical (London : George Bell and Sons, 1891), on Ophelia: pp. 153-170. Transcribed and edited by Thomas Larque. [http://shakespearean.org.uk/oph1-jam.htm]

Johnson, Samuel
Hamlet: Excerpt from "Notes on Shakespeare"

Johnson, Samuel.
Johnson On Shakespeare (London : Oxford University Press, 1929), pp. 189-196. Transcribed and edited by Thomas Larque. [http://shakespearean.org.uk/ham1-joh.htm]

Jones, Ernest:
Hamlet and Oedipus (excerpt) [http://www.freehomepages.com/hamlet/other/essayson.htm]
Jones, Ernest:
Hamlet and Oedipus [http://shakespeare-navigators.com//jones/] (Sept. 2010)

Joyce, James.
Lectures on Hamlet [http://www.univ.trieste.it/~nirdange/netjoyce/e_netjoyce/e_10.html] (Jan. 2002)
James Joyce on Hamlet:
James Joyce's Life of Shakespeare ann. by John Barger [http://www.robotwisdom.com/jaj/shakespeare.html] (Jan. 2002)

Knight, Wilson:
Embassy of Death (Hamlet as villain, Claudius as hero, from The Wheel of Fire, 1930) (excerpt) [http://www.freehomepages.com/hamlet/other/essayson.htm]
or: G. Wilson Knight: The Embassy of Death (excerpt) [http://www.mtsn.org.uk/staff/staffpages/cer/hamlet/Claudius_as_hero.html] (March 2002)

Hamlet --The Prince or the Poem? [http://www.freehomepages.com/hamlet/other/essayson.htm]

de Madariaga, Salvador.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (excerpt) [http://www.freehomepages.com/hamlet/other/essayson.htm]

Moulton: From The Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors, ed. Charles Wells Moulton, 8 vols. (London: Moulton Publishing, 1901), 1: 500-07. [http://geocities.com/litpageplus/shakmoul-hamlet.html]

Vining, Edward P. The Mystery of Hamlet (1881), excerpt. (Hamlet as a woman) [http://shea.mit.edu/ramparts/commentaryguides/hamlet_a_woman/vining.htm] (March 2002)

J. Dover Wilson:
Antic Disposition (excerpt) [http://www.freehomepages.com/hamlet/other/essayson.htm]
Excerpts from critics Dover Wilson: Antic Disposition From What Happens in Hamlet (1935). http://www.mtsn.org.uk/staff/staffpages/cer/hamlet/Excerpts_critics.html] (March 2002)


c) recent criticism (on-line texts)

Aasand, Hardin L. (Dickinson State University): "O'ertopping Pelion: Hamlet, Laertes, and the Revenge Tradition"
paper / abstract (Valencia 2001, on this site)

Bains, Yashdip.
"Loose Ends and Inconsistencies in the First Quarto of Shakespeare's Hamlet?" Hamlet Studies 18 (1996): 94-104. Shaksper webpage: [http://ws.bowiestate.edu/archives/files/index.html]

Bohannon, Laura (1971):
Shakespeare in the Bush [http://www.cc.gatech.edu/people/home/idris/Essays/Shakes_in_Bush.htm] (last visit: 22/01/00)

Breeze, Andrew.
Welsh Tradition and the Baker's Daughter in Hamlet pp. 199-200 in: Notes and Queries, vol. 49, issue 2002, pdf-file. [http://www3.oup.co.uk/notesj/hdb/Volume_49/Issue_02/] (June 2002)

Brown, John Russell
"Connotations of Hamlet's Final Silence," Connotations 2.3 (1992): 275-86.
"Multiplicity of Meaning in the Last Moments of Hamlet," Connotations 2.1 (1992): 16-33. [http://www.uni-saarland.de/fak4/fr43/connotations/BROWN21.HTM] (see also: Mehl, Charney, Klein)

Burrow, Colin.
"Will the real Hamlet please stand up?" Times Online, 19th May 2002. (about the new Arden edition)

Charney, Maurice
"The Rest Is Not Silence: A Reply to John Russell Brown," Connotations 2.2 (1992): 186-189. [http://www.uni-saarland.de/fak4/fr43/connotations/CHARNE22.HTM] (see also: Mehl, Klein, Brown)

Chesnoiu, Monica. University "Ovidius" Constanta, Romania: "
Mounting Revenge and Power from the Margins: Masks of Romanian Hamlets" [article on this site]

Cook, Hardy M.
"Reformatting Hamlet: Creating a Q1 Hamlet for Television." The Shakespeare Yearbook 8 (1997): 370-382. Shaksper webpage: [http://ws.bowiestate.edu/archives/files/index.html]

Crunelle-Vanrigh, Anny.
'Too Much in the (Black) Sun': Hamlet's First Soliloquy, A Kristevan View. Renaissance Forum, vol. 2, Nr. 2 [http://www.hull.ac.uk/renforum/v2no2/crunelle.htm]

de Grazia, Margreta.
Hamlet's Thoughts and Antics. (Is Hamlet a character who above all else "thinks"?) in: Early Modern Culture: An Electronic Seminar. (1-29-02) [http://eserver.org/emc/1-2/degrazia.html]
Fleming, Juliet.
Reponse [http://eserver.org/emc/1-2/fleming.html] (March 2002)

Delville, Michel and Michel, Pierr, University of Liège:
Introduction to Hamlet, Engl. version by Eriks Uskalis [http://www.ulg.ac.be/libnet/germa/hamleteng.htm]
Introduction à Hamlet en français [http://www.ulg.ac.be/libnet/germa/hamletfr.htm]

Ehlers, Benjamin A.
Luther and English Apocalypticism: The Role of Luther in Three Seventeenth-Century Commentaries on the Book of Revelation (Essays in History, vol. 34, 1992) [http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/journals/EH/EH34/ehlers34.html]

Epstein, Paul.
The Purgation of the Hero in Shakespearean Tragedy. (Hamlet, Lear, Othello, Macbeth) [http://www.mun.ca/animus/1998vol3/epstein3.htm]

de Grazia, Margreta.
Hamlet's Thoughts and Antics. (Is Hamlet a character who above all else "thinks"?) in: Early Modern Culture: An Electronic Seminar. (1-29-02) [http://eserver.org/emc/1-2/degrazia.html]
Fleming, Juliet.
Reponse [http://eserver.org/emc/1-2/fleming.html] (March 2002)

Del Sapio Garbero, Maria La traduzione di Amleto nella cultura europea. A cura di Maria Del Sapio Garbero, Venezia: Marsilio Editori, 2002. 173 pp.) an important collection for students of Shakespeare in Europe.
Contents: Introduzione (Maria Del Sapio Garbero); Le origini di Amleto (Alessandro Serpieri); Mallarmé, Amleto e il vento (Jacqueline Risset); L'Amleto nella cultura russa (Cesare G. De Michelis); L'Elsinore lusitano (Giulia Lanciani); Berlino e Budapest: gli Amleti dell'Europa in guerra (Zoltan Markus); Heiner Müller e la Hamletmaschine (Francesco Fiorentino); Reinvenzione di Ofelia (Maria Del Sapio Garbero); Hamlet nel teatro contemporaneo spagnolo (Guiseppe Grilli); Che fare di Amleto (Giorgio Melchiori); Tradurre Amleto: intervista ad Agostino Lombardo (Maddalena Pennacchia)

Hatchuel, Sarah. Leading the Gaze: From Showing to Telling in Kenneth Branagh's Henry V and Hamlet (EMLS 6.1) [http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/06-1/hatchbra.htm]

Hill, Harry.
"The Mixture of 'High' and 'Low' Culture in Hamlet I,i: A Close Reading." This paper was delivered at Popular Culture Association Meeting in Syracuse, NY, on November 2nd 1995. Shaksper webpage: [http://ws.bowiestate.edu/archives/files/index.html]

Holland, Sarah.
Hamlet: A Humoral Diagnosis

Jenkins, Harold.
The Relation Between the Second Quarto and the Folio Text of Hamlet (Studies in Bibliography, Volume 7 (1955) (Jan. 2002)

Johnston, Ian.
Introductory Lecture on Shakespeare's Hamlet [http://www.mala.bc.ca/~johnstoi/eng366/lectures/hamlet.htm]

Johnston, Ian.
The Issue of Language: Introduction to Richard II and Hamlet [http://www.mala.bc.ca/~johnstoi/eng366/lectures/richard2.htm]

Klein, Holger.
Hamlet and After [http://www.uni-saarland.de/fak4/fr43/connotations/KLEIN31.HTM] (see also: Mehl, Charney, Brown)

Kliman, Bernice W.
"Three Notes on Polonius: Position, Residence, and Name" Shakespeare Bulletin, spring 2002. [http://www.shakespeare-bulletin.org/issues/spring02/kliman.html] (July 2002)

Lehmann, Courtney.
Making Mother Matter: Repression, Revision, and the Stakes of 'Reading Psychoanalysis Into' Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet (EMLS 6.1.)[http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/06-1/lehmhaml.htm]

Leithart, Peter J.
"The Serpent Now Wears the Crown: A Typological Reading of Hamlet" Contra Mundum, 11. (1994) [http://www.visi.com/~contra_m//cm/features/cm11_hamlet.html]

Mabillard, Ann.
Hamlet's Soliloquies (annotated) [http://shakespeare.about.com/arts/shakespeare/library/weekly/aa061500a.htm]

McDonough, Christopher.
Missing Mouse (Hamlet, I.i.12), pp. 228-229, in: Notes and Queries, vol. 49, issue 2002, pdf-file. [http://www3.oup.co.uk/notesj/hdb/Volume_49/Issue_02/] (June 2002)

Mamoun, John S. "
The Hamlet Paradigm" [http://www.hamlet.org/j_s_mamoun.html]

Marowitz, Charles.
Shakespearean Scraps (chapter from Roar of the Canon: Kott & Marowitz on Shakespeare, Applause Books 2001) Shakespeare Bulletin, vol. 19, No. 4, Fall 2001. [http://www.shakespeare-bulletin.org/issues/fall01/article-marowitz.html] (Febr. 2002)

Matei-Chesnoiu: see Chesnoiu.

Mehl, Dieter
"Hamlet's Last Moments: A Note on John Russell Brown," Connotations 2.2 (1992): 182-185. [http://www.uni-saarland.de/fak4/fr43/connotations/mehl22.htm] (see also: Klein, Charney, Brown)

Murdoch, Walter. "
Hamlet Revisited" [http://www.morrisqc.com/Murdoch/HamletRevisit.html]
Murdoch, Walter. "
Hamlets All" [http://www.morrisqc.com/Murdoch/Hamletsall.htm]
Murdoch, Walter. "
The Policy of Polonius" [http://www.morrisqc.com/Murdoch/Polonius.htm]

Nighan, Raymond.
"Renaissance Theories of Ghosts and Demons." [http://stjohns-chs.org/english/Renaissance/Ren-gh.html] (May 2002)

Olson, Donald W., Olson, Marilynn S.
The Stars of Hamlet (astronomical imagery) Sky & Telescope, 1998 [http://web.archive.org/web/*] & [/http://www.britannica.com/bcom/magazine/article/0,5744,63639,00.html] (May 2002)

Reitz Mullenix, Elizabeth:
The Sublime or the Ridiculous?: Hamlet's enigmatic positioning within the American cultural hierarchy [http://www.arts.ilstu.edu/shakespeare/research/hamlet.html]

Reitz Mullenix, Elizabeth:
Preying upon the "Theatrical Parasite": A Reexamination of Stoppard's Influences in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern [http://www.arts.ilstu.edu/shakespeare/research/rosencrantz.html]

Roth, Steve.
Hamlet: The Undiscovered Country. Preface and chapter 1, Hamlet's age,timeline, links. [http://princehamlet.com/index.html] (May 2001)

Roth, Steve.
Hamlet as The Christmas Prince: Certain Speculations on Hamlet, the Calendar, Revels, and Misrule. EMLS, 2002 [http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/07-3/07-3toc.htm] (Jan. 2002)

Shakespeare in Connotations:
Hamlet (Articles by J.B. Brown, Charney, Holger Klein, Dieter Mehl) [http://www.uni-saarland.de/fak4/fr43/connotations/sel-deba.htm] (May 2002)

Shand, G.B. Skip.
"Queen of the First Quarto." Performance-oriented study of the Queen in the first Quarto Hamlet. Also available in abstract. Shaksper webpage: [http://ws.bowiestate.edu/archives/files/index.html]

Sohmer, Steve.
"Certain Speculations on Hamlet, the Calendar, and Martin Luther." EMLS 2.1 (1996) [http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/02-1/sohmshak.html]

Sokolyansky, Mark: Shakespearean Themes and Motifs in Anton Chekhov's Works (article on this site)

Stetner, Clifford.
Deconstructing Hamlet [http://www.columbia.edu/~fs10/garber.htm]

Gary. Hamlet in Africa 1607 [http://www.as.ua.edu/english/strode/articles/taylor/hamlet3.htm] (Nov. 2002)

Yu, Shiao-Ling.
Shakespeare on the Chinese Stage: Two Adaptations of Hamlet (1999). Discusses how appropriation or misappropriation of Shakespeare made his play more accessible to the Chinese and Taiwanese audience. [http://www.orst.edu/dept/foreign_lang/chinese/yu/hamlet.html] (March 2002)



"I despise Hamlet. He is a slob. A talker, an analyzer, a rationalizer. Like the parlor liberal or paralyzed intellectual, he can describe every facet of a problem, yet never pull his finger out. Is Hamlet a coward, as he himself suggests, or simply a poseur, a frustrated actor who plays the scholar, the courtier, and the soldier as an actor (a very bad actor) assumes a variety of roles to which he is not naturally suited? And why does he keep saying everything twice? And how can someone talk so pretty in such a rotten country given the sort of work he's got cut out for himself? You may think he's a sensitive, well-spoken, and erudite fellow, but, frankly, he gives me a pain in the ass."
(Charles Marowitz.
Shakespearean Scraps (chapter from Roar of the Canon: Kott & Marowitz on Shakespeare, Applause Books 2001)




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