
A Lover's Complaint - Shall I Die, Shall I Fly - The Passionate Pilgrim - The Phoenix and the Turtle - Sonnets - The Rape of Lucrece - Venus and Adonis


The Passionate Pilgrim


on-line editions / translations / sources and context / film versions / adaptations in literature / adaptations in music / paintings / criticism / in the classroom / deutsche Webseiten / just for fun


on-line editions

Searchable Shakespearean Poetry Database: [http://quarles.unbc.edu/shakescan/] (09/05/00)
Modernised text version [http://www.ludweb.com/poetry/pilgrime/]

Crabbed Age and Youth. The Oxford Book of Verse. (Excerpt) [http://www.bartleby.com/101/56.html] (May 2002)


Verliefde pelgrim Dutch translation by Jan Jonk. [http://www.janjonk.nl/] (March 2002)

François Pierre Guillaume Guizot (1821 Vénus et Adonis; La mort de Lucrèce; La mort d'une amante; Le pèlerin amoureux. (Paris, Didier, 1862-64).
François-Victor Hugo: Oeuvres complètes de William Shakespeare vol 15 Sonnets. Poëmes. Testament.
both translations online at:
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Gallica &endash; mode image, format PDF
or via:

sources and context

R. Chester,
Love's Martyr or Rosalins Complaint. (1601) [http://phoenixandturtle.net/loves_martyr.htm] (Febr. 2003)

adaptations in music

Chisholm, Erik.
Crabbed age and youth. [http://www.erikchisholm.com/pages/choral.html] (May 2002)

Dring, Madeleine (1923-1977)
Crabbed age and youth, song. [http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/s/shakespeare/age.html] (May 2002)

Joubert, John.
Crabbed age and youth op. 82 (1974) [http://www.chesternovello.com/work/9390/main.html] (May 2002)

Rorem, Ned. (1923 - )
Crabbed age and youth. [http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/r/rorem.html]

White, Maude Valérie. (1855-1937)
Crabbed age and youth, song. [http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/s/shakespeare/age.html] (May 2002)


Moulton: From The Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors, ed. Charles Wells Moulton, 8 vols. (London: Moulton Publishing, 1901), 1: 460-61. [http://geocities.com/litpageplus/shakmoul_passpilg.html]

deutsche Webseiten

Gröchel, André:
William Shakespeare - Lyrik: Gut gestaltete deutsche Website mit Informationen zu Quellen, Einführung, Hintergründe, Links zu deutschen und englischen elektronischen Texten usw. [http://www.deslit.de/shakespeare/lyrik.htm#Pilger] Falls der Link nicht klappt:


on-line editions / translations / sources and context / film versions / adaptations in literature / adaptations in music / paintings / criticism / in the classroom / deutsche Webseiten / just for fun



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University of Basel, Switzerland
English Department)

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last changes: Febr. 2003