
A Lover's Complaint - Shall I Die, Shall I Fly - The Passionate Pilgrim - The Phoenix and the Turtle - Sonnets - The Rape of Lucrece - Venus and Adonis


Shall I Die, Shall I Fly


on-line editions and translations

Shall I Die, Shall I Fly English and German. [on this site]

Shall I Die, original poem [http://www.u.arizona.edu/~jpc/oldpoem.html]


Shall I Die? Criticism: word choice, meter, glossary, bibliography etc. [http://www.u.arizona.edu/~jpc/project1.html]

vocabulary, style [http://www.u.arizona.edu/~jpc/style.html]

Forster, Donald W. "'
Shall I Die' Post Mortem: Defining Shakespeare", excerpts [http://www.u.arizona.edu/~jpc/time.html]

Dana Jan, English class project at Arizona University:
Shall I Die? Shakespeare? Text, Introduction, Analysis, Glossary [http://www.u.arizona.edu/~djan/engl380.htm]


Foster, Donald. " 'Shall I Die' Post Mortem: Defining Shakespeare." Shakespeare Quarterly 38 (1987 Spring): 58-77.

Holobrook, David. "Certainly not by Shakespeare - but Is It a Literary Fake?" Contemporary Review 258, no. 1500 (1991): 25-32.

Pendleton, Thomas A. "The Non-Shakespearian Language of 'Shall I Die.'" Review of English Studies: A Quarterly Journal of English Literature and the English Language, 40, no. 159 (1989): 323-351.



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Shakespeare in Europe
University of Basel, Switzerland
English Department)

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last changes: January 2002