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Shakespeare translated

Shakespeare translations in Europe (general overview)

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Shakespeare in Estonian

general sites - translators - sonnets - chronology

Shakespeare on the continent (general chronology) as a separate "sheet"



general sites

Estonian national theatre was born in Tartu, on Midsummer's Day in 1870, with the production of The Cousin from Saaremaa by Lydia Koidula (1843|1886). And also before the 20th century, the first Moliere (1886) and the first Shakespeare (1888) had been staged.

Recent Theatre History: [http://www.iti-worldwide.org/amt/countries/p_ESTONIA.html]

Shakespeare productions at the Vanemuine theatre 1888-2005 (in Estonian) [http://www.vanemuine.ee/et/artiklid/artikkel.html?aid=297]
Vanemuine theatre history (English and Estonian [http://www.vanemuine.ee/en.html]


Haava, Anna (1924)

Suveöö unenägu
(A Midsummer Night's Dream) 1924 (tlk. Anna Haava)

Hansen Tammsaare, Anton

Anton Hansen Tammsaare
(1878-1940). Biographies [http://www.ctts.dcu.ie/AntonHansenTammsaareTRASNABIO.html] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anton_Hansen_Tammsaare]

Jürna, Mikhel (1926, 1948)

Kuningas Lear 1926 (tlk. Jürna)
Kuningas Lear 1948 (tlk. Jürna)

Kareva, Doris.

Doris Kareva and Anu Lamp: Hamlet directed by Elmo Nüganen, Tallinn City Theatre, 1999.

Kivirähk, Andrus

Romeo and Juliet (adaptation)
[http://www.vanemuine.ee/en/repertuaar/etendus.html?eid=43Theme: comedy]
The story is inspired by Shakespeare, and it is about love between a young man and a roe deer. At first, it seems a bit unexpected and impermissible. Despite that, it is the story of immortal love which, defying destiny, joins also in death | this time in a jellied meat pott.

Kroos, Jaan

Macbeth. Tolkija: Jaan Kross.
Torm (Tempest) example (Caliban): [http://www.metsas.ee/et/ateljee/maakunstirada/shakespeare]

Lamp, Anu

Doris Kareva and Anu Lamp: Hamlet directed by Elmo Nüganen, Tallinn City Theatre, 1999.
Suveöö unenägu. (A Midsummer Night's Dream)

Meri, Georg (1946 etc.)

The father of state president Lennart Meri [http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/lmeri.htm] is one of the main translators of Shakespeare into Estonian.
Taani Prints Hamlet 1946 (tlk. Georg Meri)
Julius Caesar. Antonius ja Kleopatra. Coriolanus 1946 (tlk. Georg Meri)
Kogutud teosed seitsmes köites 1959-1975 (tlk. Georg Meri)
Hamlet 1997 (tlk. Georg Meri)
Romeo ja Julia 1995 (tlk. Georg Meri)
Veneetsia kaupmees (Merchant of Venice); Palju kära ei millestki (Much Ado); Nagu teile meeldib (As You Like It); Kaheteistkümnes öö (Twelfth Night); Troilus ja Cressida ; Lopp hea, koik hea (All's Well); Mööt möödu vastu (Measure for Measure) (1960)

Moisnik, M. (1999)

Shakespeare armastusest 1999 (tlk. J.Kross, G.Meri, M.Moisnik, A.Oras, R.Sepp)

Oras, Ants (1929, 1935, 1937)

Macbeth 1929 (tlk. Ants Oras)
Torm (Tempest) 1935 (tlk. Ants Oras)
Romeo ja Julia 1935 (tlk. Ants Oras.)
Valik sonette 1937 (tlk. Ants Oras)
Sonette. Suveöö unenägu (A Midsummer Night's Dream). Othello 1937 (tlk. Ants Oras)
Shakespeare armastusest 1999 (tlk. J.Kross, G.Meri, M.Moisnik, A.Oras, R.Sepp)

Pokrowskaja, Jelena

Torksate taltsutu (Taming of the Shrew) Jelena Pokrowskaja

Reiman, M. (1927)

Veneetsia kaupmees (The Merchant of Venice) 1927 (tlk. Reiman) [http://www.ear.ee/uudised/shakespeare.htm]

Sepp, Rein

Rein Sepp (1921-1995) biography (English) [http://w210.ub.uni-tuebingen.de/ portal/sagas/fulltext_link?id=1079]
Shakespeare armastusest
1999 (tlk. J.Kross, G.Meri, M.Moisnik, A.Oras, R.Sepp)
Asjatu armuvaev (Love's Labours Lost) tolkinud R. Sepp.
Kogutud teosed seitsmes köites, 3. kd. [http://www.ear.ee/uudised/shakespeare.htm]
Bibliography (Estonian) [http://my.tele2.ee/rein_sepp/rein.htm]

Techner, Hugo (1888)

Hugo Techner directed the first Estonian Shakespeare production: Venedigu linna kaupmees

Tombach-Kaljuvald (1910)

Hamlet 1910 (tlk. Tombach-Kaljuvald)
Taani Prints Hamlet 1930 (tlk. Tombach-Kaljuvald)

Villemson, Hannes

Nagu teile meeldib ( As you Like it), Peter Volkonski and Hannes Villemson) [http://www.vanemuine.ee/en/repertuaar/etendus.html?eid=99]

Volkonski, Peter

Nagu teile meeldib ( As you Like it) Peter Volkonski and Hannes Villemson) [http://www.vanemuine.ee/en/repertuaar/etendus.html?eid=99





Oras, Ants (1937)

Valik sonette 1937 (tlk. Ants Oras)
Sonette. 1937 (tlk. Ants Oras)

Rajamets, Harald (1965, 1987, 1989)

Kaks sonetti 1965 (tlk. Rajamets.)
Sonetid 1987 (tlk. Rajamets)
Poeemid 1989 (tlk. Rajamets)




First Estonian Shakespeare staged: (dir. Hugo Techner): Venedigu linna kaupmees


Tombach-Kaljuvald: Hamlet

1926 Mikhel Jürna: Lear


Reiman: Veneetsia kaupmees (The Merchant of Venice)


Ants Oras: Macbeth


Ants Oras: Sonnets


Georg Meri: Hamlet



Early editors of Shakespeare - bibliographies - collections of critical texts - criticism: 16th century - 17th century - 18th century - 19th century - early 20th century - recent criticism - Sh and Gender - linguistics and semantics - translators of Shakespeare - Electronic Shakespeare - libraries and institutions - discussion groups - authorship questions



Shakespeare in Europe

University of Basel, Switzerland
English Seminar
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March 2005