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Shakespeare translated

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Shakespeare in Spanish

general sites - translators of plays - chronology - sonetos

Shakespeare on the continent (general chronology) as a separate "sheet"


general sites

The first published translation into Spanish of Shakespeare's Hamlet was by Ramón de la Cruz in 1772. It was a second-hand verse translation based on the 1769 French version by M. Ducis, who not knowing English, had used Pierre Antoine de la Place's English Theatre edition, and who only had translated the most important scenes or those he liked. The first translation directly from English entered Spain in prose after Leandro Fernández de Moratín (a.k.a. Inarco Celenio) published it, after a longer stay in London as embassador of Ferdinand VII, in 1798 and since then has been reedited thirty-three times throughout the nineteenth and twentieth century (Serrano, 29, specially 177ff.) As neo-classical as the French versions by M. Ducis Leandro Fernández de Moratín made an important difference not so much through his job as a translator but by being accompanied by the Shakespearean actor Kemble, who helped him and Spain better understand Shakespeare.
Alcalá Galiano, Eduardo Bonet, Matías de Velasco Rojas, Benítez Pérez Galdós, Pedro Antonio de Alarcón, Sánchez de Castro or Menéndez Pelayo among others increased continuously the interest of Spaniards in Shakespeare's plays and made him more accesible, but it is thanks to two Englishmen living in Spain, Jaime Clark and William Macpherson, who tried to make Shakespeare more truely English, that Spain started knowing the original. Clark succeeded in translating 10 plays before he died and which where published as a 5 volume edition in Madrid between 1872 and 1876.Macpherson's 8 volumes published in Madrid in 1873 contained the twenty-three plays he translated into Spanish keeping the differentiation between verse and prose as did Clark's version. Clark's use of the hendecasyllabic verse forced him to break his faithfull rythm and sometimes to alter the original.
In Catalonia, for example, and during the early twentieth century, a period nowadays known as "Noucentisme", produced an astonishing number of translations into Catalan, as it was trying to built and renew the stage and theatrical tradition, thus to mention but only a few, you still can read Artur Masriera's Hamlet; Salvador Vilaregut's JuliusCaesar; Cebrià de Montoliu's Macbeth, Josep Carner's A Midsummer Night's Dream; Magí Morera i Galícia's Coriolanus; Anfós Par's King Lear; or Cèsar August Joradana's translations of ten of Shakespeare's plays. The translations most performed and best known in Catalan are the twenty-seven plays that Josep María de Sagarra started in 1941 making him "the" Catalan translator of Shakespeare
he first translation into basque is by the playwright and theater director Toribio Alzaga's adaptation of Macbeth (1926) and it was not until the 1950s that Bedita Larrakoetxea started a systematic translation which took him till the 1970s to complete.
The first translation into Galician, the fourth official language of Spain, dates back to 1920 when Antón Vilar Ponte supplied the text of The Merry Wives of Windsor for an adaptation by the "Escola Dramática Galega". The next translations into Galician is A traxedia de Macbeth by F.Pérez Barreiro of 1972 and Manuel Lorenzo translated and staged Macbeth three years later in 1975. Towards the end of the 1980s Miguel Pérez Romero translated A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Merchant of Venice and recently Hamlet.

(Online database which records more than 500 Spanish translations of Shakespeare that have been published in Spain since 1772 up to 2006), maintained by Laura Campilio Arnaiz [http://cv1.cpd.ua.es/shestra/]
Shakespeare in Spain (University of Murcia) [http://www.um.es/shakespeare/eng/proyecto.html]
Lopez, Daniel. Shakespeare en Espana (pdf)[http://www.um.es/shakespeare/eng/critica.html]
Fundacion Shakespeare Espana [http://www.uv.es/~fse/fsemenucas.html]
Catolonian: El parany del ratolí [http://www.uoc.es/jocs/1/translation/translation.html]


Traductores / Translators

Acosta, Darío Vélez

Columbian translator, biography: http://www.xigla.com/w/deshakespeare/traductor.htm
examples (comparison with Luis Marin Astrana's translation) (Hamlet): [http://www.xigla.com/w/deshakespeare/comparacion.htm]

de Alarcón, Pedro Antonio

Pedro Antonio de Alarcon (1833-1891): biografia

Alcalá -Galiano, Antonio

Antonio Alcalá-Galiano (1789 -1865)

Astrana Marín, Luis (1929)

Astrana's richly annotated prose translations have until recently been the version most often seen and heard in Spanish theatre even till the end of the twentieth century.

A buen fin no hay mal principio; Los dos hidalgos de Verona ; Otelo : el moro de Venecia ; El rey Ricardo II ; Sueño de una noche de San Juan; Trabajos de amor perdidos
Las alegres comadres de Windsor

Luis Astrana Marin (1889-1959) [http://cervantesvirtual.com/FichaAutor.html?Ref=1663]
examples (comparison with Darío Vélez Acosta's translation) (Hamlet): [http://www.xigla.com/w/deshakespeare/comparacion.htm]

Barreiro, Perez (1972)

A traxedia de Macbeth by F.Pérez Barreiro (in Galician)

Blanco-White, José María

José María Blanco y Crespo alias José María Blanco White (1775-1841) biography [http://www.uua.org/uuhs/duub/articles/josemariablancowhite.html]

Böhl de Faber, Juan Nicolas

Johann Nikolas Böhl von Faber (1770-1864) introduced Shakespeare with his "Reflexiones de Schlegel sobre el teatro, traducidas del alemán" (1814)

Benavente, Jacinto (1899, 1911)

El Rey Lear 1911 (translation, based on King Lear)
Cuento de Amor,
1899 (based on Twelfth Night)
Jacinto Benavente (1866-1954): biography [http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1922/benavente-bio.html]

Cané, Miguel (1900)

Enrique IV (PDF-file)
Miguel Cané (1851-1905) biografia [http://www.todo-argentina.net/Literatura_argentina/Biografias_de_literatura/cane_miguel.htm]

Caparros, Martin (2000)

Romeo y Julieta, por el argentino Martín Caparrós y la colombiana Erna van der Walde: Nuevas tradducciones de obras de Shakespeare, ed. Marcelo Cohen [http://www.lamaquinadeltiempo.com/temas/traducc/shakes01.htm]

Carner, Josep

Joseo Carner (1844-19 biography [http://www.escriptors.com/autors/carnerj/other.html]
A Midsummer Night's Dream
(in Catalan)

Clark, Jaime (1872-76)

Clark succeeded in translating 10 plays before he died and which where published as a 5 volume edition in Madrid between 1872 and 1876.
Hamlet (pdf-file).
Las alegres comrades de Windsor (pdf-file)

Cohen, Marcelo (2000)

Nuevas tradducciones de obras de Shakespeare, ed. Marcelo Cohen [http://www.lamaquinadeltiempo.com/temas/traducc/shakes01.htm]

Conejero, Manuel Angel (1980 -)

The team called "Instituto Shakespeare" under the direction by Manuel Ángel Conejero, was formed in Valencia in 1978. Until today this group has translated King Lear, Macbeth, The Merchant of Venice, As You Like It, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, Twelth Night, Hamlet, The Tempest, Richard II and the most recent Anthony and Cleopatra in 2001.
webpage [http://www.uv.es/~fse/curriculumMAC.html]

de la Cruz, Ramon (1772)

Hamlet a second-hand verse translation based on the 1769 French version by M. Ducis

Darío Vélez Acosta
see: Acosta

Dos Hermanas, Marques

see: Velasco
(Matías de Velasco y Rojas, Marqués de Dos Hermanas Obras de William Shakespeare, traducidas fielmente del original inglés, por el Marqués de Dos Hermanas: 3 volúmenes)

Ehrenhaus, Andres (2000)

Pericles, príncipe de Tiro, por el argentino Andrés Ehrenhaus: Nuevas tradducciones de obras de Shakespeare, ed. Marcelo Cohen [http://www.lamaquinadeltiempo.com/temas/traducc/shakes01.htm]

Ferrater, Gabriel

Coriolanus (in Catalan)
Gabrfiel Ferrater, (1922-1972) biografia

Galiano, Antonio Alcalá

see: Alcalá-Galiano, Antonio (1789 -1865)

Garcia, Manuel (1818)

Macbé ó Los Remordimientos. Writtten in English by Shakespeare, rewritten in French by Mr. Ducis, and accomodated to the Spanish Theatre

Garcia de Villalta, José (1838)

Macbeth (pdf-File)

Joradana, Cèsar August

translations of ten of Shakespeare's plays (in Catalan).

La Calle, Teodoro (1802)

Othello (using M.Ducis' french adaptation)

Lorenzo, Manuel (1975)

Manuel Lorenzo translated and staged Macbeth (in Galician)

Macpherson, Guillermo (William) (1873)

Macpherson's 8 volumes published in Madrid in 1873 contained the twenty-three plays he translated into Spanish keeping the differentiation between verse and prose

Maia, Circe (2000)

Medida por Medida, por la uruguaya Circe Maia:
Nuevas tradducciones de obras de Shakespeare, ed. Marcelo Cohen [http://www.lamaquinadeltiempo.com/temas/traducc/shakes01.htm].

Martinez de la Rosa

Marquez, José Arnaldo

Dramas de Shakespeare, traducción de don José Arnaldo Marquez

Masriera, Artur

Hamlet in Catalan.

Matóses, Manuel (1895, 1897)

La Fierecilla Domada Comedia en cuatro actos y en prosa arreglada al español por Manuel Matóses de la comedia de Shakespeare Taming of the Shrew Estrenada con aplausos en el Teatro de la Comedia, la noche del 31 de Enero de 1895. Madrid 1895
La Indómita.Comedia en tres actos y en prosa arreglada al español por Manuel Matóses de la comedia de Shakespeare Taming of the Shrew Estrenada en el Teatro Cervantes, de Málaga, la noche del 23 de Abril de 1897.)

de Montoliu, Cebrià

Macbeth, (in Catalan)

Moratin, Leandro Fernandez de (1798)

Hamlet 1798. Valera obras completas
Moratin (1760-1828): bibliography and biography [http://cervantesvirtual.com/bib_autor/Moratin/bibliografia.shtml

Ortega Y Gasset 1957 (4) obras completas

Morera i Galícia, Magí

Coriolanus; (in Catalan)

Par, Anfós

King Lear; (in Catalan)

Pelayo, Menéndez

Dramas de Guillermo Shakespeare, traducción de D. Marcelino Meléndez Pelayo

Perez, Omar (2000)

Como les guste, por el cubano Omar Pérez:
Nuevas tradducciones de obras de Shakespeare, ed. Marcelo Cohen [http://www.lamaquinadeltiempo.com/temas/traducc/shakes01.htm]

Pérez Romero, Miguel (1980 -)

translated A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Merchant of Venice and recently Hamlet into Galician

Pujante, Angel Luis (1986 - )

As a scholar of English Philology at the University of Murcia he produces linguistically very sound and semantically precise translations which retain all the expressive elements of the original, because his main aim is also the stage and therefore he tries to preserve the poetic effectiveness for the actors. Espasa Calpe, his publishing house, replaced Astrana Marín's translations by the ones by Pujante trying to offer their readership a more recent and up-to-date version of Shakespeare in their classic literature collection.

Rojas, Alejandra (2000)
Julio César, por la chilena Alejandra Rojas:
Nuevas tradducciones de obras de Shakespeare, ed. Marcelo Cohen [http://www.lamaquinadeltiempo.com/temas/traducc/shakes01.htm]

de Sagarra, Josep Maria

The translations most performed and best known in Catalan.
biografia [http://personal.iddeo.es/gla/Poesia/jm_sagar.htm]

Valverde, Jose Maria (1967)

The other individual translator after Astrana Marín who attempted to translate all of Skakespeare's plays is José Mª Valverde, calling his two volumes published in Barcelona in 1967 W.S. Teatro Completo. As Astrana already did in 1929 he also translates into prose only. A political exile during the Franco regime and literary critic and academic he aimed at conveying the semantic content even if for that purpose he had to sacrifice certain sound effects, the rich variety of styles and theatrical features that exist in Shakespeare's plays.

van der Walde, Erna (2000)

Romeo y Julieta, por el argentino Martín Caparrós y la colombiana Erna van der Walde:
Nuevas tradducciones de obras de Shakespeare, ed. Marcelo Cohen [http://www.lamaquinadeltiempo.com/temas/traducc/shakes01.htm]

de Velasco Rojas, Matías

Matías de Velasco y Rojas, Marqués de Dos Hermanas Obras de William Shakespeare, traducidas fielmente del original inglés, por el Marqués de Dos Hermanas: 3 volúmenes
Julieta y Romeo (1872) [http://cervantesvirtual.com/FichaObra.html?Ref=2277]

Vilar Ponte, Antón (1920)

The Merry Wives of Windsor in Galician

Vilaregut, Salvador

JuliusCaesar in Catalan.


Chronology / chronologia

(complete works in bold type)


Ramon de la Cruz, Hamlet (Ducis)


Moratin, Hamlet


Teodoro La Calle, Otello (Ducis)


Manuel Garcia Macbé ó Los Remordimientos. Writtten in English by Shakespeare, rewritten in French by Mr. Ducis, and accomodated to the Spanish Theatre


Matías de Velasco y Rojas, Marqués de Dos Hermanas Obras de William Shakespeare, traducidas fielmente del original inglés, por el Marqués de Dos Hermanas: 3 volúmenes


Jaime Clark (10 plays)


William Macpherson (23 plays)


Manuel Matóses La Fierecilla Domada


Cané, Miguel (Buenos Aires) Enrique IV


Antón Vilar Ponte: The Merry Wives of Windsor (first translation in Galician)


Luis Astrano Marin: obras completas


Valverde, obras completas

1980 -

Manuel Angel Conejero

1986 -

Angel Luis Pujante



Astrana Marín, Luis

Jofré, Mario

Mañe Garzón, Pablo

Mujica Láinez, Manuel

48 Sonetos de Amor Traducción de Manuel Mujica Láinez

Tacoronte, Ariel Laurencio (entre 1995 y 1998)

Cuban translator
sonetos [http://laurencio.webz.cz/shks]



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Shakespeare in Europe

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April 2007