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Shakespeare translated

Shakespeare translations in Europe (general overview)

Albanian - Basque - Breton - Bulgarian - Croatian - Czech - Danish - Dutch - Estonian - Finnish - French - Gaelic - German - Greek - Hungarian - Icelandic - Irish - Italian - Maltese - Latvian & Lithuanian - Norwegian - Polish - Portuguese - Romanian - Russian - Serbian - Slovak - Spanish - Slovenian - Swedish - Turkish - Ukrainian - Welsh
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Shakespeare in Albanian

general sites - translators - sonnets - chronology

Shakespeare on the continent (general chronology) as a separate "sheet"

general sites

Albanian Literature [http://www.albmuzika.com/letersi.htm]

Albanian Literature [http://www.geocities.com/albaland/literature.html]


Kurti, Cezar (Qezar, Quezar)

Antoni dhe Kleopatra, Act VI
bibliography [http://www.geocities.com/cezarkurti/professinf.html]

Noli, Fan. S.

Imzot Fan Noli ishte një njeri shumë i zgjuar dhe një shkrimtar i shkëlqyer. Ndër veprat që Noli na ka lënë pas vlen të përmenden përkthimet e veprave të anglezit William Shekespeare si dhe mëvetësia e Kishës Ortodokse shqiptare. Shqipja e Fan Nolit është shqipe e zhdërvjellët; në shkrimet e tij përzgjedhja e fjalëve është mahnitëse. [http://www.argjiro.net/albi/blue/?book=1&chapter=7]
(Theo)Fan S. Noli (1882-1965) Educated at Harvard, Noli was a writer and Orthodox bishop. He served as prime minister in 1924. He also translated Shakespeare and Cervantes into Albanian.biography (English) [http://www.frosina.org/infobits/bishfan.shtml]


Kurti, Cezar (Quezar, Qezar) (1993)

William Shakespeare's Sonnets, Shkup, 1993.
"Sonete" introduction by Çezar Kurti [http://www.geocities.com/cezarkurti/sheksonetepar.html]
Sonnets in Albanian (Nr. 28, 30, 32, 34, 43, 44, 48, 50, 51, 55, 60, 64, 66, 80, 91, 127, 128, 130, 132, 138, 141, 143, 148, 152, 154 [http://www.geocities.com/cezarkurti/sheksonete.html]



ca. 1960

Fan Noli


Cezar Kurti, Sonnets.



Shakespeare in Europe

University of Basel, Switzerland
English Seminar
for suggestions, additions, dead links etc. contact

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Jan 2007