general sites
Xabier Mendiguren Bereziartu, "William Shakespeare's plays in Basque" English and French []
Shakespeare in Spain []
Altzaga, Toribio (1926)
Macbeth (1926) was first translation of a Shakespeare play ever translated into Basque, published under the title Irritza ("IRRITZA SHAKESPEAREREN'n MACBETH'en gayean, iru egintza eta egintza-aurrean TORIBIO ALZAGA'k euskeratutako antzerkia")
Toribio Altzaga (1861-1941) see: "William Shakespeare's plays in Basque"
Ametza, Bingen (1956)
Hamlet (1956).
Bingen Ametza should be considered as the forerunner of the colossal translation work of Bedita Larrakoetxea,
see: "William Shakespeare's plays in Basque"
Larrakoetxea, Bedita (1957-1970)
Bedita Larrakoetxea (1894-1990) translated all plays between 1950 and the 70ies. Among the first works that he translated into Basque were The Tempest and Macbeth (1957) which he published under the guidance of Jokin Zaitegi in the magazine Euzko-Gogoa. see: "William Shakespeare's plays in Basque"
Garzia, Juan
Mendiguren, Xabier
translated among other plays As You Like It for a dubbed version of the BBC plays.
see: "William Shakespeare's plays in Basque"
BBC translation
All's well that ends well (Ondo dago ondo amaitzen dena); Anthony and Cleopatra (Antonio eta Kleopatra); As you like it (Zeuk nahi duzunez); Cymbeline (Cymbeline); Hamlet (Hamlet); Henry IV (Endrike IV); Henry VIII (Endrike VIII); Julius Caesar (Julio Zesar); King Lear (Lear Erregea); Macbeth (Macbeth); Measure for Measure (Neurriari neurriaz); The Merchant of Venice, (Veneziako Merkataria); The Merry wives of Windsor, (Windsor-eko Emazte Alaiak); A Midsummer Night's Dream, (Ekain-gaueko Ametsa); Othello (Othello); Richard II (Richard II); Romeo and Juliet (Romeo eta Julieta); The Taming oh the Shrew, (Piztiaren heziketa); Timon of Athens (Atenasko Timon); The Tragedy of Coriolanus, (Koriolanoren Tragedia); A Winter's Tale, (Negu-ipuina).
Garzia, Juan
Shakespeare's sonnets have been translated by Juan Garzia
1926 |
Toribio Altzaga, Macbeth |
1956 |
Bingen Ametza Hamlet |
1957-70 |
Bedita Larrakoetxea |